When should I see a chiropractor? Eight out of ten Canadians will experience back pain at some point in their life, and at least one third of people in Ontario will have back pain at any given time. For many people, the pain can keep them away from work, school or even their day-to-day activities. If pain causes interruptions and restrictions in the activities of your daily life then you should consult a health care provider.Not necessarily.
Why are so Many People Turning to Chiropractic? Americans tire of being over drugged to suppress symptoms that are only allowing their problems to worsen, a new dawn of holistic health care is rising and Chiropractic is leading the way. Chiropractic treats causes not symptoms and believes in the bodies own intelligence and ability to be well, this realization rings true for many. There is a paradigm shift happening in health care and it is moving us towards natural wellness. Home . About San Diego Chiropractors .
What other types of health care services to I provide? I also provide health care for well-women. This means complete physical exams, pap smears, provision of methods of family planning, and diagnosis and treatment of infections such as bladder infections or sexually transmitted infections. I use a wellness model of health care and provide counseling and education related to life-style, diet and exercise. I care for women throughout life, from birth to old age.What makes Cultural Creatives different than most Americans is that when you're involved in several movements you've been exposed to their reframing a lot of times, because that's what these movements do. Reframing is a big deal. It lets us look at our old problems from a new angle of vision. And it gives a new way of explaining them, and a new way to state our moral concerns.
Is chiropractic care expensive? Studies conducted according to the highest scientific standards and published by organizations not affiliated in any way with chiropractic institutions or associations continue to show the clinical appropriateness and effectiveness of chiropractic care.
Do chiropractors ever refer to medical doctors? Yes. We know when to refer you to another appropriate provider. Chiropractors are trained in organ systems diagnosis along with musculo-skeletal diagnosis and refer accordingly. Which doctor you see is your personal preference as both are skilled Gonstead doctors. It will not offend the doctors in any way if you choose one or the other. Dr. Sara typically handles pediatric and pregnancy cases. Dr. Ben typically handles extremity injuries and sports injuries.Chiropractic is a multifaceted approach that assists the body in attaining wellness when ill or injured. It works because you are a self-healing, self-regulating organism controlled by your brain and nervous system.
CAN A CHIROPRACTOR HELP ME LOSE WEIGHT? YES. Most Chiropractic Physicians are well trained in total health and wellness. Often people get "out of shape" because they have difficulty moving due to joint pain or poor nutritional habits. Losing weight requires a change in lifestyle, effective nutritional counseling, specific exercises, and emotional support. A Chiropractor has extensive training in nutrition and exercise science and may be a good coach. We can design a total wellness plan that will meet your specific weight loss needs.A growing body of clinical evidence supports the clinical benefits of chiropractic, acupuncture, massage therapy, dietetic counseling, and naturopathic services.