Chlorella also has more than ten times the amount of beta-carotene than carrots, has the highest chlorophyll content of any plant in the world and it is rich in B vitamins, especially vitamin B-12.
Chlorophyll has been studied extensively for its ability to purify blood and cleanse vital organs such as the liver and kidneys and as chlorella is extremely dense in chlorophyll its ability to cleanse our bowels and purify blood is second to none.
Extensive research has shown chlorella to have extremely beneficial properties and significant benefits for the blood as it contains a complex molecule, which similar to chlorophyll can bind itself to heavy metals to effectively filter them from our bodies, which in turn helps to stabilize blood pressure.
Our bodies consist of trillions of white blood cells that circulate in the bloodstream and science considers these cells as the body's main defense against disease. Chlorella can assist in increasing levels of these cells, which assist in boosting the immune system.
Here are just a few benefits you may experience with chlorella.
Chlorella's ability to rid the body of toxins and heavy metals and purify the blood makes it a staple ingredient in many of the popular detox diets.
Research has proven that chlorella can normalize blood sugar in cases of hypoglycemia while a great number of independent reports prove that it also helps in the control of diabetes.
Because Chlorella is rich in fibre and promotes the production of beneficial intestinal micro-flora, it can result in the reduction of food cravings by increasing feelings of fullness at meal times. It also helps with better food elimination and the subsequent reduction in fat storage from food.
Chlorella contains large quantities of fatty acids particularly the artery-cleansing, omega-3, alpha-linolenic variety; perhaps the reason chlorella has been shown to be effective in reducing blood cholesterol in the body and preventing atherosclerosis
Chlorella is often used in the treatment of cancer and it can help protect the body from the damaging and harmful effects of cancer radiation treatment.
Chlorella can really help people loose weight more effectively as it provides all the essential nutrients the body requires eliminating hunger pangs often associated with most diets.
To summarise, chlorella is extremely rich in protein and caretenoids and is considered an extremely pure whole food, which is rich in chlorophyll, the key factor which is essential in improving digestion, bowel cleansing and blood purifying. It is these factors that make chlorella so popular as a natural food supplement.