Gout sufferers may experience intense pain and swelling in the effected joint. Millions of people are known to suffer with the condition, with men being the most as risk.
Through time people have mistakenly thought of gout as a self inflicted condition, although excessive rich food doesn't help we now know this to be untrue.
Gout is characterised by sudden, burning pain and swelling and is more common in men than in women. Gout often attacks the big toe.
Gout is though to be more severe if the symptoms start before or around the age of 30. Diabetics and kidney problems can make the condition worse.
Gout is a chronic condition caused by an uncontrolled metabolic disorder, hyperuricemia, which leads to the deposition of mono sodium urate (uric acid) crystals in tissue around the joint. Hyperuricemia means too much uric acid in the blood. Uric acid is the by product of purine nucleotide catabolism .
Studies have indicated that about 1 in 100 people may develop gout. Left untreated, gout can lead to painful foot deformity and even kidney problems. Gout , or gouty arthritis, as it is sometimes referred to as, has been prevalent since ancient times. Hippocrates called it "the disease of kings" because of its association with a rich diet.
Is there a cure for gout?
Many would describe gout as an incurable disease, as they would with most diseases associated with arthritis, and this may be true if taken literally, however if we treat the underlying issues contributing to gout, then all symptoms of gout can be irradiated. There are medical, dietary, alternative, and lifestyle approaches to treating gout (or the underlying contributing factors of gout).
Modern medicine encourage the use of anti-inflammatory and pain killing drugs, however due to their toxicity these drugs often add to the problem, and can worsen gout in the longterm.
Natural anti-oxidants combined with a couple of simple life changes will relieve gout quickly and safely.
Many of these remedies are freely available, use them in the right combination and you will see dramatic results.