First aid is the first emergency care given to a patient or injured person before the emergency medical authorities arrive on scene. Knowing what to do and how to do it makes all the difference. At Healthcorp, we know that first aid administered properly could save a person's life, making the importance of learning first aid and opting for proper, authorised first aid courses and first aid training imperative.
A person may die if an airway is blocked for 3 to 4 minutes, but an ambulance takes at least 8 minutes to arrive. Do the calculation. A person, who is left to wait for the ambulance in such a situation without the administration of first aid, cannot survive. If the correct first aid training furnished by a first aid course is taken into consideration, the chances of stepping in to help such a person and increasing the probability of survival is augmented immensely.
Common Misconceptions about First Aid
Some common misconceptions about first aid include:
First aid is too complicated to learn - Nothing could be further from the truth. Anyone can learn first aid. First aid courses are tailored to impart first aid training in a simplified manner that everyone may understand and also retain the skills they have gained.
First aid takes too long to learn ? A basic first aid course can be completed within a few hours. Even comprehensive first aid training does not take longer than a couple of days yet arms you with knowledge that enables you to help people in a tremendous and life-changing way.
Common First Aid myths
Treat burns with butter or cream ?Burns should be treated first with cold water to soothe to burning. Butter is better spent on cooking.
If you can't move it then the limb must be broken ? Accurate diagnosis of broken limbs can be done only through an X-ray.
Let water rush over a bleeding wound ? Putting a bleeding wound under a tap or under excessive water will wash away the blood-clotting agents. The wound will bleed more and for longer.
When your nose bleeds, tilt your head back ? If you tilt the head back in case of a nosebleed, the blood will fall into the airway and block it.
Apply a tourniquet for serious bleeding ? Stopping the blood flow to any body part for more than 10 to 15 minutes is dangerous.
Accidents can happen anywhere - at home, at the workplace, out on a picnic, at the movies ? anywhere. First aid training at Healthcorp Sydney gives you confidence to rapidly assess the situation and help. There are various types of first aid courses featuring basic to more comprehensive first aid training that you can choose from. Childcare, Resuscitation, CPR, Defibrillation are incorporated into many first aid training programmes designed to provide correct and concise knowledge about how to use equipment (in the case of defibrillation), how to administer first aid and how to prioritise causalities.
At Healthcorp, we provide first aid courses and training to put you in a position to help confidently. First aid courses prepare you to face the worst and not be defeated by not having the adequate first aid training. The number of reasons in favour of enrolling for first aid training far outnumbers any doubts you may have.