Incontinence is the term given to an inability to control urine elimination, which means that members of public accidentally pass urine. Up to three million populace in the UK suffer from this embarrassing ailment, and it is particularly common in women over 40.
There are many types of incontinence, but each one is caused by a problem with the bladder.Our urine is produced by the kidneys and it collects in the bladder. The bladder empties when it is plenteous. When we urinate, the muscular wall of the bladder has to contract at the same time as the band of muscle at the outlet of the bladder relaxed. Better cases of incontinence in adults is caused by a problem with one or both of these processes.
Obviously, the symptoms of incontinence are urinating without intending to do so. Notwithstanding, this could manifest itself in a number of diverse ways.Some sufferers find that they leak urine when there is sudden pressure placed on their bladder such as when they bend over or sneeze. Meanwhile, other sufferers might pinpoint that they leak urine constantly.
As you plausibly already know, there are a number of various kinds of incontinence. We demonstrate listed some of the better common strains of the ailment below.Stress incontinence is the most common genre of incontinence and it is particularly common in women who display had children. Stress incontinence sufferers spot that urine leaks when they cough, or do any other sort of activity that puts pressure on the bladder.Finally, there is functional Incontinence, which is when you know you demand to go to urinate but you are unable to because of a bodily or communication problem, which prevents you from getting to the bathroom quickly enough.
There is a wide range of diverse treatments available for incontinence.One of them is bladder training. This treatment comprises emptying your bladder at set times, gone by gradually increasing the time between intervals. This treatment requirements to be followed for at slightest six weeks to see if it is going to work.Alternatively, your doctor may need to prescribe medicines to treat your problem. Hormone replacement therapy might also be proper if you show been through the menopause and show an overactive bladder.If you have stress incontinence and other treatments have not been effective, your doctor may recommend surgery to support your bladder neck and urethra. There are a wide range of surgical procedures available, so you will show to drop in your doctor for more information.
In addition to these treatments, there are also a wide range of products available that could help you to control your symptoms. These include washable and disposable pads and knickers to keep you dry throughout the day and night, as well as a wide range of bed protection products and toiletries that will feel splendid.