Incontinence is a jumbo problem for up to 3 million citizens in the UK. This embarrassing ailment means sufferers show an inability to control urine elimination, which causes them to accidentally pass urine.Folk of any age or gender could experience urinary incontinence, although it is far more common in populace who are older. As well as this, the condition affects legions more women than male people.
Urinary incontinence occurs when the normal process of passing urine is interrupted. This may happen for a number of different accounts, depending on the sample of incontinence.Occasionally incontinence in women could be caused by weak pelvic floor muscles. A weakness in these muscles may cause urine to leak out of the bladder, and they could be weakened by pregnancy, age, obesity, the menopause and a number of other rationalisation.
The symptoms of incontinence vary depending on the sufferer. Some sufferers experience urine leakage constantly, while others only suffer from leakage when pressure is placed on their bladder such as when they bend over or cough.Urinary incontinence may also refer to bedwetting, which is greater common in children but may also affect older populace.
There are many diverse kinds of incontinence that sufferers can experience and we show listed some of the better common below.Firstly there is overflow incontinence, which is when the quantity of urine exceeds the capacity of the bladder, so leakage of urine occurs. You may feel as if your bladder is never fully empty, which means that some sufferers might have to spend hours in the bathroom.Functional incontinence is another description of incontinence. This sample is when you know you long for to go to urinate, but you cannot get to the bathroom because of a brute or communication problem.There is also mixed classification incontinence, which is when sufferers experience more than one genre of incontinence. This could occur if a person with overflow incontinence had progressive Alzheimers disease, which would also give them functional incontinence.
There is a wide range of unlike treatments available for incontinence.One of them is bladder training. This treatment embodes emptying your bladder at set times, previously gradually increasing the time between intervals. This treatment requirements to be followed for at least six weeks to see if it is going to work.Alternatively, your doctor may want to prescribe medicines to treat your problem. Hormone replacement therapy might also be good if you show been through the menopause and show an overactive bladder.If you display stress incontinence and other treatments show not been effective, your doctor might recommend surgery to support your bladder neck and urethra. There are a wide range of surgical procedures available, so you will have to stop off your doctor for more information.
In addition to these treatments, there are also a wide range of products available that could help you to control your symptoms. These include washable and disposable pads and knickers to keep you dry throughout the day and night, as well as a wide range of bed protection products and toiletries that will feel terrific.