Now that you have decided to start your business, there are a few things that you can do to make your business stand out from the rest. The first is developing a logo. Customers need something that they can easily identify and remember you with, and a logo is the perfect way to brand your name into their mind. The phrase ?a picture is worth a thousand words? is not only the basis of scrapbooking but a solid key to your business.
For instance, what business stands behind the golden arches? McDonalds is one of the most recognizable symbols across the globe. Even if you are half way around the world, if you see the ?golden arches? you know that you can walk through the doors and order a burger and fries, even if you can't speak the language.
To select your logo, do some research on branding. Find out what other companies have done to simplify their message and ?brand? their name into the minds of people who use their products or services. Keep your logo simple so that it can be easily transferred to your marketing material (business cards, website, customer reminder cards, letter head, etc.).
Another important aspect of making your business stand out is your business location. Usually the decision for a location is made based on your financial situation. If you have the capital to rent a storefront in the arts and crafts district part of town, go for it. If you do not have the capital to afford a store front, inventory and all of the other things that come from operating a merchant location, you might have to think ?outside the box.?
Possibly there is an established merchant like a floral shop, antique shop, quilting shop, paper store, bridal boutique, pet store or other complimentary place of business that would allow you to display your business in a portion of their. They might charge you a small fee or they might work with you on a commission basis. If you decide to go this route, make sure that you get whatever agreement you have with the store owner in writing.
If your location is in your home, make sure that you can devote a specific area of your home to your business. This area should be away from the living portion of your home. A new customer will probably not like stepping of over laundry baskets and baby toys to review your work and select their product from you. Although, if your scrapbooking skills are displayed in your home, and you can maintain a neat and business like environment, your home can be a wonderful way to display your work.
Making your business stand out can take a lot of time. To save time, let your work, work for you. If you have friends, family or organizations to which you belong, create something for them to display in their home, office or place of business. Attach your business card or contact information and logo to these creations and let them speak for themselves. For instance, create a small book or framed work for your friend who works at a busy office to display at their desk. When someone says, ?that is so nice, where did you get it,? it gives the best advertisement of all, word of mouth. The best thing about this kind of promotional advertisement is that it is effective and free.