For inexperienced scrappers who are not familiar with the term, scrapbooking crops online are something like quilting bees. Crops are a way for fellow scrappers to get together to share their pages, talk about their different techniques, share new products, and generally enjoy their common hobby. Once you start participating in scrapbooking crops online, it can become quite addictive.
How Much Do They Charge?
When looking for scrapbooking crops online, you would do well to ask yourself a few questions about the ones being offered. For example, do they charge a fee for you to attend? If so, how much is it? A few dollars is not a bad thing, since the webmaster or host usually has to pay a fee for the site or forums, so you shouldn't immediately assume that it is a scam or that you are being ripped off.
Additionally, many scrapbooking crops online have many more attendees than those that are held locally, since virtually anyone with a home computer and a scanner can join in. If you are really looking to make new friends, learn new techniques, and get the best recommendations about new products, then you would do well to consider the small cost of the admissions fee.
What Do They Include?
Some scrapbooking crops online offer nothing more than a scheduled chat between members. While others have scheduled demonstrations, talk about certain techniques, and so on. You need to make sure you are reading all the information available about this particular crop to know exactly what you are being offered and whether or not it is worth your visit.
The participants of the crop are all online at the same time and are creating scrapbooking pages as they chat. They usually will upload pages to a gallery to show off their work when the scrapbooking crop has ended. Sometimes there will be challenges or contests during the online crop. For example, they may have a contest to see who makes the most page layouts during the scheduled time.
Is it Just a Sales Pitch?
Unfortunately, some scrappers who also represent scrapbooking supply companies schedule these scrapbooking crops online just as a way to reel in potential customers. There is nothing wrong with showing other people the materials and products you represent, but this should not be the whole focus of the event, and you certainly should not feel pressured to buy products you are not interested in. Make sure there are other activities and not just sales presentations.
So do your homework about your particular host and talk to other potential visitors, and then you can make the best decision about any potential scrapbooking crops online that you are considering. This way you will not get bored. You will not feel pressured to purchase things, and you won't be scammed out of a so-called admissions fee.
Where to Find Scrapbooking Crops Online
The most popular places to find an online crop are scrapbooking message boards or forums. These aren't limited just to the large forums either. If you belong to a monthly scrapbooking kit club, see if they have organized online crops. They often will challenge each other to make page layouts from the products offered in that month's kit.
Attending a scrapbooking crop online can be a lot of fun. It also motivates you to get more pages done. It's a social event to share your hobby with others who enjoy it as much as you do.