Folds are an essential part of the paper-folding process. If your chosen paper won't hold a fold neatly then your project won't be worked to its best. Choosing the right foundation paper will bring you more success.
And as any crafter, and teacher knows: the more success, the more motivation to continue onto bigger, brighter and better things.
But first things first. Where to get your papers.
It's now becoming increasingly easier to get origami and tea bag folding supplies. Times were when you had to order stock from abroad - and take all the accompanying frustration that waiting brought. Now though, the larger paper suppliers are up with trends and realize that there's a hungry market for these wondrous specialist papers.
So what's your choice, once you've tracked down a reputable and reliable supplier? In a word - loads.
As with a 2D sheet of paper you've got the bonus of using both sides in your folding. So one of your options is whether to go for single sided or double sided paper. Or, as another group of papers offers you: two-tone paper. That's 4 squares of 2 colors on one side of paper. The joy here is that you can use both sides to your advantage in your project.
Because Origami generally folds into a 3D creation from a flat plane, both sides of paper can be visible (depending on the folds involved). It helps to have a picture of the finished article to guide you to the best choice.
Most projects, through trial and error will recommend a particular paper which will work to the greatest advantage. You can be sure that the creator really is suggesting the best type of paper because he/she will have practised on many alternatives before settling on a particular one. Follow their lead and you'll be part way there.
If you have the freedom to do so, you can decide on what double colors to use and whether to combine plain with patterned. The combinations are awesome.
Most Origami projects are worked with a single sided paper, with the folding begun white (wrong side) up. This is particularly true when working tea bag folding unit.
So that's the first decision out of the way: single or double.
What if you know the paper type you need and now need to 'just' choose which paper to use. Well there's no 'justs' about it. Your selection now is really mind-boggling and I challenge you to make that decision quickly. If you're a serious Origami fanatic then just reading the list below will have you drooling, and that's before you've clapped eyes on them:
Yup, even the vocabulary is enough to get those creative juices and fingers itching to get cracking and folding! And the joy of the Internet is that you can see (but not touch sadly) the papers you might elect to buy, to do justice to your project.
That's one of the delights of Origami. It's not just a mind feast, it's a tactile one too. Oooh, the joy you have when handling, stroking, touching, folding and creating your paper folding projects.
Whilst Origami is a disciplined craft it's certainly kinesthetic as it plays to the visual and touchy-feely senses.
You're not alone in just loving both the choosing and creasing of sumptuous Origami papers. There are thousands of aficionados of this traditional Japanese Art and their techniques are now well established in craft circles worldwide.
Take your time in exploring and experimenting with your paper options to really get to know their properties.
Learn how they move, bend and lie. Store then carefully so that they will always be ready for your next project. Anticipate and plan what you'll work on next to keep your enthusiasm high.
Paper folding has never been so much fun and Origami paper has well and truly hit the marketplace.