Have your own life. With or without love, it's important to create your own identity through work, hobbies and socializing. When you enjoy work, spending time with friends and family and going out to the movies with or without a date, you already have a wonderful life that is ready to be shared with another. When the right person does come along, it's important to have created your own identity and not be defined by the relationship itself.
Make time for each other. Even if your schedules often conflict, as many do, take the time to spend a quiet evening at home with your partner. Whether you create a date night or make weekends your special time together, always let your spouse know that the relationship is worth the effort.
Don't be a pushover. Avoid the temptation to agree with everything your mate says. This doesn't mean to argue constantly, but rather have the strength to say what you mean. Your partner will have much greater respect for you if he/she is made aware of your opinions and that you will not accept certain actions, including infidelity, dishonesty or simply being unreliable.
Laugh. If you have ever heard the saying that ?laughter is the best medicine,? it's true. A relationship that is full of laughs is a happy one. Above all else, you and your sweetheart should be best friends and, as we all know, friends have fun when they are together. Joke with and tease your mate whenever possible and always be ready to get the same in return. A sense of humor is important in life and in love.
Don't be clingy. Even though you miss your sweetheart every second of the day, it may be a good idea to keep that little tidbit to yourself for now. Avoid the temptation to call or e-mail him/her at work or frequently throughout the day. Instead, let the relationship and communication flow naturally.
Be supportive. If you want to have a great relationship, both you and your partner should be supportive of one another's work, family, personal interests and dreams. A strong support system is often needed for encouragement, consolation or making a significant change in one's life. Every good relationship is comprised of a strong support system from both parties.
Take your time. Don't rush the relationship by saying ?I love you? too soon or after only a handful of dates. Not only can this send the object of your affection running fast and far, but it's important to realize the difference between infatuation and love. True feelings take time to develop and confessing your love too soon could result in your mate questioning the sincerity of your feelings and may lead to the end of an otherwise potentially great relationship.
Be honest and reliable. If you say that you will be somewhere, be there. The usual courtesy that you would expect to be shown to you will go along way in helping your relationship to blossom.
Choose your battles carefully. Don't nitpick or start an argument simply because you've had a bad day. If you aren't up for a night on the town or simply need to be alone, explain this need to your date and ask to reschedule. If you spend your time together arguing, it's safe to assume that your time together may not last. A relationship should be fun for both parties and, while arguments are inevitable, the context of a disagreement should be worth the actual debate.
Don't dwell on the past. Just because a previous relationship didn't work doesn't mean a new will not. It's important that you not compare a former love to your current mate.