With many reasons to relocate, people who have lived in the same place for many years often have emotional attachments to the area. They may find it difficult to leave their comfort zone of friends and family.
When relocation is mandatory, you need to ask some serious questions and weigh all options. Involve your family in this decision-making process, as it is their lives, too, that will be disrupted.
Here are some of the questions that need consideration:
? Is the job worth relocating for in terms of salary, title, and advancement?
? If necessary, will your spouse need to find employment?
? Is the cost of living higher or lower, and will your paycheck cover these costs?
? What is the quality of schools in the area for your children?
? How stable is the company you currently work for?
? What will you do if the company, the department, or your job is eliminated after the move?
? Is now the time to consider switching jobs or careers?
? Could you afford to change careers if you wanted to?
? How much will this relocation cost?
? Is the company offering a relocation package?
After answering these questions and talking with your spouse and family, you should also consider what you will be giving up in terms of friends, family, and familiar surroundings. Are you and your family ready to embrace the unknown? Once you make the decision to relocate, you cannot change your mind.
Another issue to consider is the emotional toll involved in leaving a comfortable place for a new one. Dealing with these feelings is not always easy.
How can you make this move easy on yourself and cope with relocation:
? Spend more time with friends and family. Involve them in helping you prepare for the move, if they are willing
? Take pictures of family, friends and the area, then create a memory album
? Don't drag it out. Relocate as quickly as possible so you can start a new phase of your life
? Carefully select the new area you want to live in. This can help you make the adjustment. Rent for a while before you commit to purchasing a home
? Join a social networking group online. This will make it easier to stay in touch with friends and family
With children, the relocation process may be more difficult depending on their ages and how attached they are to their home. Alleviate fears by being patient and highlighting the positives. Keep connections open with family and friends to help a child adjust to living in a strange place.
There are guides to help you survive the relocation process. They can offer valuable tips on finding a new home, packing your belongings, and even preparing for an international relocation. You can find much information online or through relocation specialists.
After your move to the new location is complete, you will find ways to adjust to your new surroundings. You may even find some advantages and adventures that moving to a new city or state can bring. Malls and stores, entertainment, and new places to eat may be closer. Or you may be further away from the noise and grind of larger cities. The peace and quiet of a country life can be quite enjoyable.
Other benefits of relocation may include:
? A change of scenery
? Better paying jobs
? A lower cost of living, especially if you're moving from a high-cost state to a lower-cost area
? A chance to make new friends and explore new interests
? Grab a new perspective on life
? Learn about new places and/or countries, if planning an international relocation
These are just some of the many positive aspects you can look forward to when you relocate.