The key to successful weight loss is knowing which herbal supplements can aid in providing the best results. While there are many new weight loss supplements available on the market today, many of them have not been proven to be neither safe nor effective. In addition, many people spend hundreds of dollars looking for a more effective way to lose weight.
In order for you to become familiar with the better herbal supplements used in effective weight loss, you should know what each one does. After reviewing what each one does, discuss your findings with your doctor. He/she will then help you with deciding which herbal supplements will be the most beneficial for effective weight loss.
Herbal Supplements for Effective Weight Loss
1. Green Tea: Green tea will naturally increase your metabolism and can be used as an appetite suppressant.
2. Psyllium Seeds: Psyllium seeds are derived from the husks of plantago plant seeds. They act as an appetite suppressant and have been used by various women to aid in effective weight loss. The seeds actually swell when taken with a full glass of water and it creates a feeling of fullness, which causes you to eat less.
3. Soy Protein: Soy protein will provide your body with valuable energy and give you a feeling of fullness so you will eat less.
4. Gymnema Sylvestre: Gymnema sylvestre is an herbal supplement that helps suppress your body's cravings for foods that normally can cause you to excessively overeat.
5. Garcinia Cambogia Extract: Garcinia Cambogia extract is a natural fat inhibitor and a great appetite suppressant. Using this herbal supplement will aid in releasing the fats that would normally be stored in your body.
6. Aloe Plant: The aloe plant has been known to aid many people with effective weight loss. It contains many beneficial vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential minerals that will aid in better digestion of your food.
7. Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar aids in aiding to increase your body's metabolism. It also helps reduce the fat and cholesterol levels in your blood, which deters the body from storing too much excess fat.
8. Chitosan and Pure Ascorbic Acid: Chitosan is a dietary fiber that is derived from the outer shells of shellfish (chitin) and pure ascorbic acid is all natural Vitamin C. Chitosan is a natural fiber supplement that aids in effective weight loss because it prevents fat from being absorbed in your body's intestinal tract and allows the fat to be released from the body naturally. When used in with pure ascorbic acid, it becomes a fat-absorbing type gel. Ascorbic acid actually works together with Chitosan to enhance its fat-absorbing properties.
9. Chromium Picolinate: Chromium picolinate is a natural herbal supplement that should be used from the purest form of chromium and picolinate. These two work together to aid in the burning of excess body fat, which actually has been proven to reduce one's overall body fat by as much as twenty-two percent. It also helps increase and strengthen your body's muscle mass.
10. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA): Conjugated linoleic acid, also known as CLA, has been shown to be a good herbal supplement tool to aid in one's weight loss. It has the properties that help reduce body fat by as much as sixty percent, while increasing your body's lean muscle mass. Many people that have participated in studies using conjugated linoleic acid showed outstanding results. In fact, some people actually showed a decrease in their overall body fat by as much as eighty-eight percent in just six days.
The herbal supplements described herein have been shown through various studies to be the most effective herbal supplements used for effective weight loss. However, keep in mind that you will never use all of these together to aid in your weight loss. Instead, you should review which ones you think would provide better, more effective weight loss results, and then discuss them with your doctor.
Weight Loss Supplements often have side-effects such as nervous energy. If one were to pursue the use of these supplements then it is recommended that one should take a supplement which provides energy, promotes rest, and is non-addictive.
Copyright (c) 2007 Vanessa Rollins
Weight Loss And Swimming
The rush to lose some extra pounds often makes people unaware of the dangers of a very strict diet or the harm some of the weight loss pills can do to their health. This is why specialists have come to talk about safe weight loss, as characterizing every dietary program that improves body state in the most natural of ways possible. The safe weight loss programs of the modern dietitian will not include anything that forces a restrictive diet on the person losing weight nor will they accept any man made appetite suppressants or physical activity that just tires the dieter.
Most 'dieters' give up on their diets because they create for themselves unrealistic targets, so the best way to start is by creating much smaller targets that do not make the act of dieting feel like a chore. Safe dieting programs require you to make tiny adjustments, over a time period, that are normal in nature and this will enable your system to accept the changes as treat them as normal.
Certain natural appetite suppressants however can be used to assist you during your weight loss program including the amazing products with Hoodia extract, energy - giving guarana, ginseng and even green tea to detoxify your system. The combined effort of these natural products will provide more energy, a lower appetite and ensure the body does not get sick.
Before taking any safe weight loss supplements you will need to talk to your doctor if certain conditions like heart, cholesterol and diabetes exist as the basis of safe dieting is that it should not upset your health. Exercise programs should be designed to help burn calories and while this ok for people who are overweight buy there are no other medical conditions, those who have problems are not advised to carry out this type of activity. Cardiac sufferers will have to make do with a gentler for of exercise; walking but they are only advised to do this for short periods.
Walkers should not be alarmed if they feel tired at least to start with and should rest whenever they need to as their stamina will gradually improve and this can be helped along by gentle massage sessions that will help the circulation and muscles. Swimming is also a very relaxing sport that people with heart problems can practice in safe conditions. Remember that some weight loss pills should be avoided, especially those that contain ephedra or bitter orange.
Bitter orange is efficient when used in small quantities in some of the products, but sometimes the reliability of the pills you may order on the Internet is doubtful. This is particularly true of Hoodia which is rare and costly but a very efficient natural appetite suppressant with no side-effects but the name is often used on products that do not contain any but a safe weight loss program relies on the weight loss being natural and who knows what is in these pills?
Both Vanessa Rollins & Dai1952 are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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