You could be losing clients, profits and peace of mind if your business is lacking this one thing. Organization. Organization makes any business more efficient, but in scrapbooking, it plays a key role. If you scrapbook for others, nothing is more frustrating than trying to sort through piles of embellishments to find just the one that you need. You know you purchased it and you know you put it somewhere. Now that you need it, it is no where to be found.
It can be costly to your business as well. How many times have you repurchased a tool, a certain piece of paper or an embellishment, because you either could not find it, or had forgotten that you purchased it in the first place? Not to mention the time you spend looking. Time is money. All the time you spend searching you could have been scrapbooking.
When meeting with potential clients, you need to be organized as well. If you portray disorganization, what does that say to your client? If you are disorganized in your meeting, how organized will you be with their pictures. In essence you are organizing their memories. Therefore you want them to feel comfortable working with you. A sense of disorganization on your part is a major turn off and could lose you the sale.
Scrapbooking is a business of many pieces. You have different tools, a variety of papers, ribbons, stickers, stamps, and other embellishments. They all come in a variety of colors, shapes, textures and sizes. All of these pieces are essential to scrapbooking. They give your work the unique look and design necessary for you and your clients.
The more scrapbook supplies you have the more you need to be organized. You want to find what you are looking for quickly and easily. The easier it is to find easier it will be to lower your frustration, the time you spend on projects and in turn the more you raise your bottom line.
How you organize your scrapbook supplies is a personal decision. The simple truth is you have to find a system that works for you. If you can find things easier when sorted by color and theme, well then by all means organize them this way. You may find that you like to organize your supplies by manufacturer or holidays. Essentially you need to organize the way you feel most comfortable. Remember you are organizing for the efficiency of your business. If you organize, and it doesn't work as well as you thought, change it to something better and more efficient.
As your business prospers and grows, scrapbooking will also change and diversify. Different techniques and supplies are introduced at a dizzying rate. Organization will help you keep up with the latest and greatest with ease and efficiency.
Your business and scrapbooking itself is an ever-changing prospect. When deciding what type of organization to purchase, plan for growth and change. As your business grows so will your need for organization. It is better to purchase something you know that you will grow into than to purchase something that you know you will soon grow out of.
Once you have your supplies and tools neatly organized, you will need to do a periodic over view. Decide what is working for you. What supplies you use and what supplies you don't. Purging unused supplies will keep you more organized and efficient. You can even consider donating these supplies.
Organization of your scrapbook supplies and tools will make you more efficient. Knowing where everything is and having it in a convenient place will enable you to enjoy your scrapbooking. If you enjoy your scrapbooking chances are, your business will flourish and grow in the direction that you desire. Keep a reign on scrapbooking disorganization and watch your business grow.