However, it doesn't matter how much you spend for your pay-per-click advertising, or how convincing your ad lines are, or how your web design rocks, or how much black-hat hidden keywords you have on your web page. As they always say, article content is the king and will always be the king.
This is the bottom line: you have to make a good article content. Otherwise, you'll never catch the liking of those big-time search engines.
How are you going to start with it?
Keep in mind that if you want to be successful with whatever business you have online, you need to write well for two things:
1) Your submissions for article directories.
Many people rely on article directories if they'd like to have a worthwhile read. If you want more people to learn about your business, you can submit informative write-ups to article directories. These articles should contain links to your main website. The more articles you submit and publish, the more you route viewers to your main page via one-way free links to your site. Article submissions are free, so you'd better make the most out of it.
2) The contents of your landing page.
Most search engines have changed their ranking systems. Their attention has now shifted from popularity (the number of web page views) to the quality of the contents on your web page. A popular website doesn't necessarily mean that it has top-quality content, although most websites become popular because of their contents.
If you are thinking of publishing multiple articles for a single topic, make sure that you do not copy and paste the same article and submit it to different article directories. Keep in mind that Google hates duplicate contents. So in one way or another, you need to pore over writing unique article contents.
Now that you have realized that you need to make a hundred or so unique articles get to the top, you might ask yourself how on earth you're going to write them one by one.
No worries please. See what the latest innovations have in store for you ? article content spinning.
?Spinning? the contents mean re-writing articles ? with the help of a content spinning software. Take note: it's a software. Thanks a lot, now you are spared from the tedious effort of ?spinning? the contents manually.
A content spinning software can mix and match words, sentences, and paragraphs so you can generate at least 10 or 20 unique articles from the single original write-up. Some content spinners add text to the original article, some rearrange, and some change the words, or a combo of all of these functionalities. Of course, high-end content spinners can produce readable (and sensible) articles.
You also have the option to download your article file through a URL or text file, or you can copy the text and paste onto the text area of the software.
Since a content spinner is just a software, it can never be flawless the way you want it to be. Many experts scrutinize the use of automatic content spinning software because of its glitches. People who have tried using automatic content spinners complained about laughable re-written articles ? the grammar, syntax, and sense all coming out wrong. However, you can take care of these mishaps by following these pointers:
? If you write top-quality original articles and use the software correctly, the content spinner can generate hundreds of excellent articles with unique contents.
? Choose a quality content spinning software. Many websites offer free content spinning. However, you have to be on constant lookout for the quality of the re-written articles produced by these free software.
? Opt for trial versions before you make a purchase. Evaluate different content spinners thoroughly. You can also refer online for recommendations and advice given by software experts.
? Content spinners which are purchased online can come in either boxed or downloadable purchase. Before buying the software, ask the manufacturer about guaranty and product return policies.
? Read and proofread the spun articles before publishing them. Always keep in mind that the software is there just to make your task easier. You can't make it work on the entire project without your help.
These are the different software issues that you need to keep in mind if you're up to purchasing a content spinner. Many companies offer content spinning software at a low cost. But before you pay for anything, you might need to compare the features of these content spinning software available in the market. You can ask advice from people who have purchased their own copies of content spinners.
If you want to try a particular brand of content spinner, ask the manufacturer if they have free trial for a specific period of time. If not, you can inquire if they offer any product guarantee. In this way, you will be assured that you'll get your money's worth for purchasing their content spinning software.
Matthew Bredel has sinced written about articles on various topics from Health, Marketing and Yeast Infection. Matthew is the founder of TheWebReviewer: Home Based Business Reviews, and NetWebVideo:. Matthew Bredel's top article generates over 33100 views. Bookmark Matthew Bredel to your Favourites.
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