When you need a photograph changed to art form, you can commission a portrait. Now what do we need for commissioning a portrait? All you need is a photograph even a fuzzy old photograph will do.
The artist tries to make an exact replica of the photograph given. When there are missing elements in the photograph the artist adds those details through active imagination, bringing the image to life.
Portraits can be made of headshot, half-length or full length for the same price. The artist makes various changes and shows the work at various stages through digital image of the portrait being made. The details can be viewed to the last stroke of pain. Once you are happy with the painting, you can purchase by paying the amount through a secure money payment service such as 2checkout.com. This is a SSL (secure socket layer) based service, which means that even the site would not have access to your information.
When you do not like a painting or require refinement this is done very easily. The money is refunded if you surrender the painting within seven days. If you require refinement of the finished painting after delivery, you would have to mail back the portrait purchased so that the necessary changes could be made and returned to you.
Prerequisites for commissioning a portrait:
1.An email of the photograph to be commissioned
2.Written permission of owner of photograph if it doesn’t belong to you
3.One-third the payment made in advance so that the artist has assurances of payment to begin working.
So now that we know what and how to commission a portrait, all we need to know is where to get it…
To get a portrait made is to have the memories from past imprinted on canvas. So we need artists who are efficient in performing what is needed. Once that portrait is made we have to get the work of art safely delivered and framed so that the memories become part of our life forever.
There are a lot of websites that offer portrait services, but there are very few that you could trust to make an exceptional work of art and have it delivered to you safely. Make the payment transaction hassle free and secure.
The following points are to be remembered while making a service request to commission an Oil Painting Portrait:
·Look for sites that have experienced artist
·Site should have exact specifications for requesting a commission of Portrait
·Site should have a clear FAQ about the process involved in making a Portrait
·Look at the samples done before, so that it satisfies your expectations. If not contact the site administrator to have your doubts clarified.
·Verify whether the site uses a secure payment method such as 2checkout or 2CO
·Check if there is refund policy if you have any problems with the delivered art work
·Look through the catalog or gallery to check out the work being done or done before.
That’s it now you are equipped to go and commission a portrait.
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