This reality costs American companies over $300 billion annually in stress-related claims. And this doesn't even consider the costs in terms of absenteeism, turnover, and the loss of creativity and productivity. When you add it all up, the cost is in the trillions. Here's the good news: it doesn't have to be this way!
To inject satisfaction and fulfillment back into the American workforce, here are the top four workplace complaints and how to overcome them:
1. My boss doesn't recognize, respect, or reward my efforts.
Solution: Far too many bosses don't appreciate the fact that their employees are their most valuable asset and that it is only through happy, inspired workers will they ever achieve the company's full potential. What employees want most is recognition, inclusion, and acknowledgement. When workers feel appreciated, creativity and productivity soar, and absenteeism and turnover are minimized. And it doesn't take a lot of time or effort to express appreciation and concern. It's not even about what you do. It's really all about your attitude. People know when you care about them and they also know when you don't!
2. Why do people spend so much time gossiping and talking behind each other's backs?
Solution: People haven't learned three fundamental lessons. First, they must communicate their upsets and disappointments to the person who is the source of that. Instead, they communicate to others. This creates an environment of distrust. So please learn to be open and honest with your communication, and speak to the person directly.
Second, learn to communicate responsibly by speaking about your unfulfilled expectations and your disappointments. Don't accuse another. That is never productive.
Third, make it safe for people to communicate to you by just listening with compassion and getting their communication without getting defensive and justifying your behavior.
3. All the company cares about is the money.
Solution: This is a major reason why so many people hate their jobs. While there is certainly nothing wrong with wanting to make money, that is a lousy purpose for a company. Why? Because not to many people are inspired by making money, for someone else. So, the focus on making money is what results in the lack of creativity and productivity, and the absenteeism and turnover.
Instead, focus on creating a great company, with an inspiring vision, important values, a clear purpose, and a nurturing culture. Focus on the products and services and the environment. Make sure people feel ownership of the company and, as stated previously, feel appreciated, included, acknowledged, rewarded and cared about.
When this occurs, productivity and creativity go up, absenteeism and turnover go down, and the company actually ends up being far more profitable than before. So if companies are to fulfill their potential, they need to focus first on the business environment. The money will naturally follow.
4. I hate it when the higher-ups make major policy changes, never considering how they will impact us, the people who get the work done.
Solution: This is not a smart way of operating a company. When people do not feel included, when the fact that they too are stake-holders is ignored, they end up feeling resentful. This is when the gossiping and complaining shift into high gear and, instead of employees working to help the company fulfill on their objectives, it is much more likely they will work to sabotage those objectives.
Yes, it takes time to solicit everyone's views on major policy changes, but taking that time is always well rewarded in terms of people's commitment and loyalty. It's one of those instances where a small investment reaps a large reward.
By taking these four steps and others to solve these common problems, you will notice a change within your organization, the people you work with … even yourself.
Why Americans Hate Welfare
From Maine to California, from Florida to Washington, and from North Dakota to Texas, all across the country, there are at least 20, if not 40, million Americans who have hatred for the 43rd President of the United States, a man dubbed "W".
From print publications as well known as the New York Times to the Internet site of the Huffington Post, the purveyors of the hate "W" campaign have let their invective out for the world to see.
They spew venom for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and their extreme malice and bitterness is way beyond a political difference of opinion. If you are not on board for their particular political agenda then you are wrong in your opinion and are to be hated and ridiculed for your ignorance, stupidity and arrogance.
There is their opinion, the right opinion, and no other opinion should be considered. This is because they have studied an issue thoroughly, have determined how the issue should be viewed, have come to a logical conclusion about the truth, and have developed a plan of rational action that should be taken in regard to the issue being examined.
It is really all very simple once you have all the facts; that is because liberal, educated, literate, intelligent, secular progressive people are always right. But how do we know that? I am glad you asked. Everyone knows that, and especially liberal, educated, literate, intelligent, secular progressive people.
Please, do not be so naïve as to not know that. Exactly what part of liberal, educated, literate, intelligent, secular progressive do you not understand?
Hence, "W" was responsible for just about everything bad that happened in America during the last 8 years. You can cite the big things, like his unilateral decision to invade Iraq. His pretext of using "weapons of mass destruction" to invade Iraq when everyone knew there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
There is his incredible arrogance in declaring "Mission Accomplished" when he didn't know his butt from a hole in the ground, and, of course, his inhumane disregard for the innocent women and children he was ultimately responsible for killing in Iraq by starting an illegal, unwarranted war on another country.
There are also the lesser sins of "W". A flooding in any state naturally came as a result of "W" ignoring the warnings of global warming; a lot of flooding in the Midwest, for example, came from ice caps melting in the Arctic Circle.
A botched abortion on a 12-year-old girl in a back alley is clearly the result of "W" trying to restrict the use and distribution and contraceptives to young girls who have made an innocent mistake in judgment. Any understanding, compassionate person would understand this. What exactly was "W's" problem?
In the face of all of this, "W" just sat there, consumed by his own stupid self, ignoring the great advice and counsel he was receiving, and continued to do what he thought was right for America, just like he didn't know any better. It makes you wonder just how stupid some people are, not to mention a President.
It is an amazing and equally irrelevant fact that there were no more terrorist attacks or successful terrorist attacks in the United States after 9-11 during the 7 years "W" was continuing to serve as President of the United States. Some people are stone, cold lucky; it is amazing how coincidence favors lucky people.
The citizens who voted for Bush to serve a second term as President of the United States got exactly what they deserved. They re-elected a stupid, incompetent President who did not have the good sense to shut down the war and pull out of Iraq, thus allowing the United States to save face with its allies. He also refused to negotiate a peace treaty with the terrorist organizers who planned the attack that killed 3,000 of our citizens. He neglected to apologize to the leaders of every country around the world who did not support him in his madness.
This is exactly what you get when you elect some stupid, incompetent President who is really a bigger terrorist than the focus groups he is attacking, the so-called terrorists. Do I need to remind you who really planned the 9-11 attack so a war could be started in Iraq to take over and control its oil deposits?
I mean, really, doesn't the Constitution of the United States clearly state that there is freedom of religion? That you must allow people to worship as they wish, and be compassionate and understanding even if their beliefs require them to kill people who do not agree with their religious beliefs, or their political point of view?
"W" is now history. He will fade into the woodwork soon and be forgotten by the liberal, secular progressives as quickly as throwing out yesterday's garbage after dinner.
And yet, I wonder. Whenever I hear a man or woman express hatred, I wonder just what it is in a person that causes him or her to hate so much. It seems to me that you cannot express hatred for anything or anybody unless you make use of the supply of hatred within yourself. The only hatred you can really express is your own personal possession. Just how much hatred can you express without it affecting you? Is there anything good that has ever come from hatred?
In the end, you can only give what you have. If you are filled up with love, you can give love. If you are filled up with hate, you can give hatred. You can admonish a person's thought process, decision-making ability and errant behavior without hating the person.
Hating someone is like giving yourself poison in a fit of retribution.
Both Scott Hunter & Ed Bagley are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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