This is a most useful tool for the amateur as it is easy to fix on any improvised bench. It is attached by a heavy screw that passes down through a hole in the bench. The vise is drawn tight to the bench by a wing nut underneath. In order not to split or damage the bench top, a piece of wood should be drilled and used as a washer before screwing on the wing nut. Both screw and nut are provided with the vise. The jaws are fitted with cork and leather buffs, an added protection, and particularly useful when the wood is very soft or the work delicate.
The bench holdfast
This tool needs no fixing. The shaft is inserted in a hole in the bench and the foot rests on the carving. When the screw is turned the work is held firm by the pressure of the shaft on the side of the hole. The principle of the holdfast seems surprisingly simple but it is nevertheless efficient. It should be used on a bench top not less than 2 inch thick.
The carver's bench screw
To use the carver's bench screw a hole must be drilled in the bench. The pointed end is screwed into the block to be carved and tightened by a wing nut under the bench. As with the carver's vise, a block of wood should be used as a washer varying the size of this block you can lengthen or shorten the screw.
Coach screws
The coach screw can be used for fixing the carving in the same manner as the bench screw. Coach screws are also invaluable for fixing one heavy piece of wood to another. For instance, the large figure illustrated in plate XII is held to the cross by coach screws. A tall block, as shown in figure 7, B, can be firmly held by a 6 inch or 8 inch coach screw. Short screws will work loose with the continual vibration of the mallet. Large hardware dealers will supply them up to 8 inch in length and f inch or J inch thick. Holes must be drilled to take the coach screws and tightening is done by means of a spanner.
C cramps
The'G'cramp is obtainable in many sizes and is useful in all kinds of woodwork, including wood carving. The type with the swivel shoe is best for the carver as it will tighten on surfaces that are not parallel. For secure fixing use them in pairs.
All the above equipments are mostly available in the general shops or carpenter shops. There are some shops specially providing the articles or equipment for the wood carving. But with these guides, you can start the process confidently.
Wood For Wood Carving
The screw cramp
This is of German design and used in the same way as the 'G' cramp.
Sash cramps
These range in length from 3 ft. to 6 ft. and are used by joiners for assembling frames. For this reason the jaws are only 2 in. or 3 in. long.
The carver will find them useful in gluing up large work if he uses them in pairs with a stout board on each side of his work. In figure 10 the arms of a figure are being glued up at the shoulders.
The sloping stand or table
With the help and advice of friends I have recently evolved this piece of equipment and have found it excellent for carving both wood and stone panels.
For anyone with a little knowledge of carpentry it is a fairly simple piece of construction. The framework is made of wood 2 inch x 2 inch and the main board is 36 inch x 16 inch The whole stand could be made smaller or larger, according to your own requirements.
You will see from the picture of the back view illustrated that the stand is adjustable on the deck-chair principle. This particular model can be used at three different angles. The hinges on the supporting frame should be of a heavy type and not less than 2 inch in width as they will have to stand up to a good deal of vibration.
The wood of the main board should be at least 1 in. in thickness. The wood to be carved can be fixed on by bench screws, 'G' cramps, or by ordinary screws. This stand can be easily bolted down to the bench. The advantage of a sloping stand is that you can stand upright to carve and step back to see your work.
Other methods of fixing a panel
If you want your work flat on the bench, and many carvers do, it is an easy matter to fix the panel. Bench screws can be used (see Fig. 9). The length of these can be varied by interposing a block of wood between the wing nut and the underside of the bench. You can also fix a frame of wood around your carving and drive in a few wooden wedges to hold it tight (Fig. 37). If you are working on a fairly heavy piece of wood, two wood stops screwed down at right angles to each other will be sufficient.
With all the guidelines which are provided in this article, now we know the things which are required for the wood carving. Check for some carpentry equipment available, which you might also need it during the wood carving process.
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