Look no further. Here are a few proven tips that get you started on the right track.
What does a publisher look for, in your article?
First and foremost, think for a moment that you are a Webmaster, browsing through the article directories. Which are the articles that you are most likely to pick and publish on your site? My answer would be, a good, well-written article that enriches the content of my website, that addresses a unique topic that's useful to my regular readers and I would love if it is written with SEO in view such that my website draws traffic from search engines. Webmasters are your customers and their wish is your command, so to say.
Fill the Need - Spot an Opportunity:
Matt Cutts, who is currently running a video series on his blog and writes occasionally, has written an entry exclusively about writing useful articles. His advice is to fill a need with your article. (Very powerful suggestion after all SEO is all about content). And anytime you look for information on the web and could not find it, that should be registered an opportunity, according to Matt. He gives his "Changing the default printer for Firefox on Linux?" blog entry as an example.
His advice is to look for small niches that have no relevant content yet on the web. The added advantage here is that, SEO is relatively easy. Look at the title of Matt's changing printer article and that tells you what keywords to intelligently use in your article. (If you are a user who needs this changing printer stuff, what would be your search phrases? That's the key to a good article with SEO that webmasters love.)
In essence, as some SEO expert summarized, hard to find answers are the best marketed articles. Think about it. Your articles should enrich the web in general by making things easily accessible. It does not hurt to re-iterate the Mantra: SEO is about Content and Links!!
Fresh View Point - Have something new to offer
If the topic of choice for your article is a popular one, a hot topic that every one is talking about, be sure to address the issue from a totally different viewpoint. It could perhaps be a little controversial. This after all is the key to success in media business and article marketing is in the same genre. Imagine threads on various forums getting dedicated just to discuss your controversial view.
Pay attention to your Titles - Keywords in Titles
It is an established fact that publishers use your articles mostly to get traffic from search engines. Title plays a key role in this. Pack your title with relevant but most commonly searched terms. Your title tells your reader why they should read your article. Think about it. Sprinkle relevant keywords in your article. But, take care not to over do it.
Know your customers
Keep track of the websites that are publishing your articles. Alerting them of your new articles might be a good option. Perhaps you can even go one step ahead and ask them for subjects that they would like you to write about.
In summary:
1. Your articles should enrich the content of your publishers. Look for small niches that are yet to be addressed. Every failed search is an opportunity to tap into. Start small with these niches and slowly expand into related areas. Establish yourself as an expert. Article Marketing is a powerful way to build credibility.
2. If yours is a hot topic, it does not hurt to take a fresh yet controversial stance.
3. Write the article keeping SEO in view. Pay attention to Titles.
4. Know and keep track of your publishers. Direct contact with them can give you new areas to write articles about.
Article marketing is viral and if your article is good enough, it can go a long way and surprise you, the author, in many ways.
Jonathan White has sinced written about articles on various topics from Affiliate Programs, Real Estate and Insurance for Business. Jonathan White has been doing article & other online marketing for over 4 years. He owns SimplySearch4it! Articles Marketing Directory &. Jonathan White's top article generates over 74000 views. Bookmark Jonathan White to your Favourites.
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