Web site owners write articles and then present them to article directories so they can get free publicity. At the end of each article there is usually a link back to the owners own web site. The owners of these sites would like people to take their article and to promote it to other people so they can get people to visit their web site without spending a cent on marketing. This is a great way for skilful entrepreneurs who are willing to spend a few hours of their time so they can benefit from their small efforts for many years to come.
What we can do at is to type in a niche in the search bar at the top right (making certain that it's on 'article content? rather than a search by ?author?). Type in the niche market that you are interested in. For example type in 'dogs'. You will get hundreds if not thousands of results related to what you were looking for. What I would like you to do now is simply sift through the results picking out about seventy quality articles or more which feature the dog market. Then simply copy and paste these articles into 'Word' or some similar word processing application. As I have said earlier just make sure they are quality articles.
If you create an eBook using low quality content you will end just getting an a high refund rate and thus will be a fruitless exercise. Get it right from the start and you will set yourself up for future successes).
Try if you can and tie all the articles together in one sub niche. To give an example a sub niche of dogs could possibly be that 'training your dog. So you could sort out those articles which mentioned getting you your dog to stop barking or toilet-training that kind of thing. Use a bit of imagination when practicing this method.
E-mail Article Authors
you don't want to use any articles without the authors? permission. The aim of majority of the articles sent in to the article directories by authors is the authors can get visitors to their sites without them having to spend a cent in the process. It is essential however to avoid breaching any copyright laws. To prevent this from happening e-mail the article author. State that you are producing an eBook aiming at their niche market. Add that you would love to feature the author's article in your forthcoming eBook and that you would of course include a link back to their web site. Also ask them if they have any other articles that you could include.
You should expect about seventy per cent of the authors you ask for permission to be pleased that you are going to feature their article in your proposed eBook. Just cast aside those articles whose writers either don't reply to you or refuse you permission.
Place the articles in an order that makes sense and create a contents page. You then take the titles of the articles and use them as contents topics. You could even create chapters aimed at solving certain problems people in your niche may have. For example if you were producing an eBook on golf you might devote a part of it to on how to improve your golf swing, a part of the eBook to the mind game of golf and so on. Each of the articles would comprise of individual chapters.
Lastly compose a short introduction and conclusion. To increase your sales you can also provide a link to your back end products at the end of the book.
Lastly you need to change your book into an eBook to sell. Visit the web site and download the puff converter software you find there. Don't worry it won't cost you a dime. Once the software has been downloaded all you need to do in your 'Word' word processor is to hit 'file' and then 'print' and then select 'primo PDF' as your printer. There you are! You've just created an eBook using other peoples' hard work. This entire procedure can be achieved within a just few hours or more. Apart from waiting a couple days for article writers to get back to you, you are all set to go. Anyone can apply this method to create more eBooks than you would have the ability to sell.
That is a splendid method right? I mean it won't cost you anything to create a product yet you could sell hundreds if not thousands of copies and keep all the profits using other peoples 'hard work
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