Are Sports Drinks Better Than Water? |
Experts tell us that water is the best liquid of all to hydrate you after exercise - but only if you drink it. Which brings us to taste. Sports drinks usually taste better than plain water, which means we will drink more. Any drink that is high in sugar will take longer to be absorbed into the body, therefore it will take longer to get re-hydrated. That is one reason that water is the best. It is absorbed very quickly. Coffee, tea and alcohol should not be used for re-hydration at all due to their diuretic action; leave them to enjoy at a later date. If you don't like the taste of water, you are likely to stop drinking before your body is sufficiently hydrated. Of the up side, water is free and will not add any more calories, no matter how much you drink. The benefit of sports drinks is that they supply electrolytes which may have been lost if the exercise was long and heavy, such as in a game like football or hockey. The usual sweet/tart taste of a sports drink does not actually quench your thirst, so you'll drink more. That will ensure that your body is re-hydrated. You'll get more carbohydrates from a sports drink, but not as many as fruit juices offer. Any drink that is high in sugar will take longer to be absorbed into the body, therefore it will take longer to get re-hydrated. That is one reason that water is the best. It is absorbed very quickly. Coffee, tea and alcohol should not be used for re-hydration at all due to their diuretic action; leave them to enjoy at a later date.