College Drinking Games

Master the Game of Quarters

There are loads of college drinking games that you may want to study and practice, so you will be adequately prepared for college when you arrive at the end of the summer. Of course there is the old stand-by game called "quarters" where the object of the game is to bounce a quarter into a shot glass.

Practice Makes Perfect

This is the game that you will encounter most often in college, so you would be well advised to get a shot glass and practice up. If you do this, in time you will be able to bounce that quarter in every time, just like a the best carnival worker. This means that you will be the one forcing other people to down massive shots of booze and glasses of beer, instead of the other way around.

The Perfect Night to Remember

It is important to remember that the object of a college drinking game is to get the guys blowing chunks and the hot chicks stripping. So, if you master the game of quarter well, you can more deftly engineer situations where all of the guys at the party are passed out drunk or barfing while your in the bedroom having an awesome threesome with two buck wild, drunk bisexual hotties.

So if you want to do well in college and come away with knowledge and experiences that you can use to your benefit further down the road in life, you have to prepare. What this means is don't spend your summer studying college preparatory material but rather spend it practicing and mastering the most popular college drinking games.

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About The Author, Donald Trukenstein
Written by Donald Trukenstein. We provide you with the very best knowledge regarding College Drinking Games as well as Alcoholic Drinking Games.