Drinking Water Container, |
The public consciousness has been moving increasingly towards the subject of health the last few decades. From organic foods to alternative medicine, people are more concerned than ever before with what they put into their bodies. This includes one of the most important things which we all consume – I am speaking, of course, about water. Just think for a minute how many people you see every day carrying drinking water containers with them as they go about their day; from the gym to the office and at home, people are making an effort to drink enough water. However, there is one thing which you should know before you fill up your drinking water containers… Whether you filled up your drinking water container from the tap, or if you instead carry a bottle of commercially available bottled water, you may be ingesting hundreds, even thousands of harmful chemicals and toxins in every sip! The irony of this health conscious age which we live in is that while people are more concerned than ever about our food supply, the quality of the water we drink is slipping – depending on the area in which you live, you could be doing yourself harm with what you put in your drinking water containers! That’s right, bottled water is no safer than tap water! In fact, there are no laws requiring that they be safer, so be warned! There is of course the option of filtered water to fill up your drinking water container with; there are several different options available for this purpose. A lot of the filters and purifiers out there work by reverse osmosis of distillation. This does remove some of the toxins from water, but also can remove the minerals which should naturally be present in your water. Demineralized water is not water you want to fill your drinking water containers with. Water with minerals is an important source for many of the mineral nutrients our bodies need. A lot of filtration systems also miss a lot of pollutants and toxins because they only have one filtration system, rather than a multi-filtration system. They don’t remove all of the lead, chlorine and other impurities that you certainly don’t want to carry around with you in your drinking water container. Choosing a multi-filter purification system for your drinking water means better water and better health for you and your family. We all want better health for our families and a good water filtration system and pure water to drink is a great start on your way to a more healthful lifestyle. With the modern world’s focus on healthier living through exercise and diet, drinking pure water is a logical step to take as part of living healthier yourself. You can also get a system to filter all of the water in your home for pure water to bathe in and cook with as well – these are also extremely important; you wouldn’t cook with water you wouldn’t drink, would you? Of course you wouldn’t – that’s why water filtration is important. So ditch that tap water and stop buying bottled water which is no safer and creates waste. Get a water filtration system and reusable drinking water containers and do something good for your health and the environment.