Juice of Super Fruits - Worlds Most Powerful Antioxidants! |
Kakadu Juice - Worlds Most Powerful Antioxidants! Kakadu International invites YOU to benefit from its unique profit sharing opportunity as it expands internationally. Kakadu Juice is Australia's best kept secret. It has the highest natural plant sources of Antioxidants, Vitamin C and Phytonutrients from Australian bush tucker. Some are pre-historic plants still growing abundantly in Australia's wild outback. From the world's toughest landscape comes the worlds toughest plant foods. Introduced by Kakadu International Kakadu Juice made from Australian Native Bush Food - the sensational health beverage everyone is talking about! Kakadu Juice is the first 100% Australian-owned super-food beverage to feature native Australian bush foods, delivering 150 times more Vitamin C than goji berries & over 700 times more the quantity of antioxidants than blue berries. It supplies a diverse spectrum of vitamins, minerals, protein and fibre, antioxidants, enzymes, Omega 3 EFA and numerous other phyto-nutrients that fortify the diet and contribute to better health through better nutrition. Kakadu juice is Organic, no synthetics, safe for diabetics and low GI. This natural cold-processed cocktail of essential nutrients supplies abundant slow-release energy, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, bioflavonoids, chlorophyll, protein, EFAs (omega 3, 6 & 9), polysaccharides and fibre for fortifying the diet Nature's way...from cold-processed whole bush food! It may be taken alone or mixed with meals and drinks to add a delicious bush-boost. It's safe for children, elderly, expectant mothers and those suffering poor health including diabetics. Kakadu Juice is Australia's First Super Food. Rich in Phyto nutrients and the World's most Powerful Antioxidants. Experience True Well-being - Try Kakadu Juice Today. Imagine your body as a bank account - What are you doing to save your health? Start making health deposits today with Kakadu Juice! Imagine having ALL of these healthy ingredients in YOUR diet! Other sensational health products are also available at Kakadu International. So get behind Australia's Best Kept Secret and experience for yourself the difference that real nutrition can make to your health. A small 30ml Shot Glass of Kakadu Juice contains as much reseveratrol as four litres of red wine! Mounting Evidence Shows Red Wine Antioxidant Resveratrol Kills Cancer Did you read todays headlines about the caner killing ability of resveratrol? Seems hardly a week goes by without hearing more news about the super antioxidant resveraltrol. But scientist do not recommend increasing alcohol consumption especially for women because of the increase or breast cancer recently linked to alcohol. You are far better off getting your reseveratrol from natural non toxic sources like grape juice. The problem with grape juice is it contains less reseveratrol than does red wine so one would have to drink large amounts and most fruit juices are high in calories and sugars which can pack extra weight on fast. A much better solution is "Kakadu Juice" because a 1oz or 30ml dosage contains as much resveratrol as 4 liters of red wine without high calories, sugar and the toxicity of alcohol. If you didn't see the news today or headlines in your local newspaper you can catch up on the latest findings at sciencedaily.com in the Related Resources Rochester researchers showed for the first time that a natural antioxidant found in grape skins and red wine can help destroy pancreatic cancer cells by reaching to the cell's core energy source, or mitochondria, and crippling its function. Resveratrol appears to kill off cancer cells by depolarizing (demagnetizing) mitochondrial bodies within tumor cells. Resveratrol is 100 anti-cancer drugs in one. Resveratrol works in so many ways to block cancer, researchers can't find a cancer-promotion pathway it doesn't inhibit. It is virtually non-toxic since, after oral ingestion, it is quickly metabolized by the liver, attached to a detoxification molecule called glucuronate, which renders it harmless, though biologically inactive, at least for a time. As a pioneer in this emerging sector of the Australian economy, Kakadu International, creators of Kakadu Juice, is proud of the knowledge that every bottle of Kakadu Juice is not only making people healthier but also providing employment for Aboriginal Australians. Drink Kakadu Juice at Wholesale &/or Work with Us For $27.50 - Sign up as a Distributor of Kakadu International, Receive your own replicable website, back office & enjoy all the benefits as an Independent Business Owners, Start building your team & enjoy Kakadu Juice and other nutritional powerful products, Kakadu International have to offer. You are not oligated to sell product, simply use your Distributor Member Status to purchase at wholesale prices. Currently this opportunity is available only in Australia and New Zealand although we are actively working to open others countries. If you would like to be among the first to be notified of when your country will be in Prelaunch just visit my website and fill out a form. As a thank you for doing so I'll send you a Free Report that will show you exactly how to earn from $300 to $20,000 per month with Kakadu International. How would you liked to have been involved with Noni and Goji Juice before they became MultiBillion Dollar Indrustry's? Kakadu Juice has even more potential for those who see the opportunity and take action now! Being involved in a booming internet based business gives me the opportunity to work from any were on the planet assisting business builders and super fruit lovers alike. P.S: The top Gogi guy who happens to live in Thailand earned 2 1/2 million last year. This year his earnings slipped because there is a better, more nutritionally diverse and concentrated product is now available. All Inquiries Most Welcome http://www.kakadujuice.com http://www.sciencedaily.com
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