Milk Advantages

As promised in Part I, I give you a more precise idea of the opinions on the advisability of consuming or name of milk, I will mention you hereafter the point of view of some famous doctors or naturopathes .

Dr. Vogel (famous Swiss naturopathe):
"Provided that it is of irreproachable quality, milk constitutes an invaluable food. Being however given the bad health of much of animals which are often reached of tuberculosis, milk is not indicated in all the cases. In arthritis and many serious affections, it is better to avoid diary products completely. "

Dr. Emile Plisnier (homeopathic doctor)"milk is a food too much rich. One thus sees immediately that it must be taken, always, with discretion. If not it fatten up the digestive tube at the point to prevent the assimilation of other food materials. Milk contains a lot proteins. For this reason it is the wound of thin dyspeptics to which one recommends it to grow bigger; or of allergic whose temperament agrees badly with this rich food in proteins. The experiment shows that it seldom makes enlarge the thin ones, but tire out almost always. "

Georgia Knap (precursory naturopathe, he inspired work and theories of Martin de Beauce and André Passebecq)
"Milk can be accepted in exceptional circumstances. What is harmful, it is daily absorption during ten, twenty or thirty years of a milk bowl each morning."
Knap recommended to use milk in the following form, named the "Gëorgiade": "Put on soft fire not pasteurized milk and, while it heats, there pour, while stirring up, the following mixture: a half-spoonful of rennet and a spoonful of pure water. When milk reaches 30 to 35 degrees Celsius, move away it from fire and whip hanging it one half-minute, then let put back it for 4 to 5 hours at a temperature of at least 25 degrees Celsius. The draining of the whey must be fast. With this stage you obtained a soft white cheese which you now place in a colander. In 3 or 4 hours casein loses thus almost its lactic acid. There then all while whipping it, add pure water until thick or fluid consistency according to your taste."

Dr. Hazel Parcells (naturopathe, he reaches the critical period of 106 time)
"Milk is solitary of the nutrition of which we lay out who produces the certain mucus. Mucus indicates partially digested nutrition. It is directed the abdomen additionally as is transported the sinus additionally as nasal cavities to engagement evacuated. "

Dr. Andrew Weil M.D. (single of the some documented American new physicians, to aid the option recipes)
"the difficulties of intolerance to lactose constitute a excellent cause to breaking point the consumption of milk, but it is definitely not main. The protein of milk, casein, could irritate the immune structure also to aid the sequence of mucus, which tends inside exact, to worsen the difficulties of allergys, asthma, eczema, bronchitus, of the difficulties of sinusitis also to infections of the ear and the youthful kids."

It is noted, the majority of the naturopathes or doctors observing the rules of care of health respecting the natural laws, advise against the milk consumption, but are not opposed to a frugal consumption of dairy products such as fresh cheese, weak cheeses with natural fats or 100% natural yogurt (the majority of yogurt’s sold today in the shops and supermarkets, do not have any more large-thing to do with a genuine yogurt!).

In ayurvedic medicine, the advisability of drinking or not milk, or of consuming dairy products, will be determined by your "dosha" (i.e. your typology, according to the ayurvedic criteria).

To complete on this topic, I will provide inside case in point, the Budwig cream, popularized by documented Dr. Catherine Kousmine, also to who is in proportion to a short time amount of balmy colorless cheese.

Make an observation: Here additionally, a few naturopathes nag the consumption of the Budwig cream. As right completed, this practice will engagement salutary additionally to the majority of the folks, excluding any fixation, there will engagement oddities, i.e. extra fragile corporations which will experience to dissociate the variety throughout a more instance, pending he might engagement right tolerated.

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About The Author, Patou
I inscribe as well a new article concerning the milk: Can you deal that milk with 2% fat volume is food not greatly generous in fat? you must get the certificate in that article that the use of milk even this is a skim milk has to be limited. If you like dairy products this is pretty advisable to select a yoghurt with 0 percent fat proportion: Milk Fat Content