Pure Water: Which Way? |
Water all over the world is becoming increasingly unsafe for consumption. While you are drinking the water from a tap or a source like bottled water, you have to secure the fact that it is pure enough to drink. Remember that contaminants and pollutants can perpetuate every variety of water. These could enter the water in bottling plants or the common corporation pipes that provide you with water. Water is today affected by both organic and inorganic wastes. Also important is the nature of the water treatment system that the water is passing through. These will definitely ensure a certain level of purification but that necessarily does not mean that all the harmful contaminants have been taken care of. Bottling firms too have conceded to the fact that they do not necessarily make use of the best water treatment system possible. A public water system is efficient. But obviously this water comes with a high concentration of contaminants which need to be taken care of. Bottled water could be an alternative. But you also have to bear the expenses of that. A water treatment system at home is an obvious truth of our age. We all use some kind of water purification or the other. Cleanliness and purity of water cannot be ascertained at any point, but the most we could do is to ensure the best water treatment suited to our homely requirements to protect ourselves from the onslaught of water pollution. What are the various forms of a domestic water treatment system? 1. Whole house water treatment system: often regarded as the best water treatment system possible, this particular form of purifying the water involves the treatment of water in the house at the source itself. That is, no more do you have to have single water filtration units. Faucets, kitchens, showers, toilets, all sources of water received filtered water after the water is filtered at the main source. This has the added advantage of checking air pollution ensuing from the dissolved impurities in the water. But this is expensive and maintenance charges do not disappear with it. Recommendable for a large house and a big family. 2. Faucet mounted water treatment system: This is primarily concerned with filtering drinking or cooking water and is a single unit filter usable for a single faucet and cannot ensure filtration at other points in the house. 3. Shower head filters: Given the fact that the water pouring out of your shower is also impure and can cause skin and breathing disorders, this is the best water treatment you can use for your bath water. Again this is a single unit purifier. 4. Counter top filters: They are again usable to filter water at a single source. They are fixed at separate individual counters. There can be under the counter varieties which of course are not visible by design. 5. There can a few personal use water filter systems. These are better options compared to bottled water in the long run, financially speaking. You could buy these online or off the market. These would be basically water bottles or pitchers and containers fitted with filters and sometimes straws with filters. It is difficult to say which would be the best water treatment system? But that is not the point of contention of this article. Here we have described to you the necessity of using/consuming purified water and the ways in which water can be purified. The choice is yours now.