Stop Drinking With These Easy Steps

If you personally make the choice that you are going to drink alcohol, whether on a regular basis or occasionally, you need to be sure that you always drink responsibly. There are a variety of different habits that you need to get into if you are going to drink in a responsible manner. Remember that you will be held responsible for your actions, whether you were drinking or not, so it is important that you only drink in a responsible manner. The following are a few tips that can help you with responsible drinking habits. Only Drink When YOU Want To. It may be easy for you to be pressured into drinking alcohol by friends, but you should only drink whenever you feel like you want to. If you are not comfortable drinking in a certain environment, or you are just not in the mood to drink, stick to how you feel and do not let others dictate when and where you drink.

Nothing good can come out of binge drinking except alcoholism. Many binge drinkers who claim to only do it at parties or just for fun, usually become alcoholics or worse. Drinking and driving is also another effect of abusing alcohol. Young girls who engage in binge drinking at parties are in danger of being sexually assaulted or worse. Excessive drinking is never good, there is nothing that can come out of abusing alcohol, even if you only do it once a month at parties. If parents fail to educate their children about the dangers of binge drinking, it could cost them their lives. If you feel like you need help with your teen then talk to someone at your local police station, they should have programs that you and your teen can attend.

You should make sure that you understand the connection between your drinking and your daily habits. If you normally drink when you are upset or stressed, pay attention to the things that make you upset and try to either eliminate them, or deal with them in a different way. For instance, if you are experiencing stress at work, and usually drink after work, try something else that relieves stress, such as taking a walk after dinner or listening to your favorite music. You can also take advantage of meditation to clear your head and calm yourself down. This may feel strange to you at first but after a while, you will become accustomed to using alternative methods to make yourself feel better. It is also best to substitute drinking with positive activities as soon as possible. Even if you feel that you are just a social drinker and only drink when you are out with friends, you should use things like physical activity, your favorite television show, or spending time with loved ones to replace your tendency to drink.

If we drink too much, too regularly, we are more likely to become depressed. Regular drinking can leave us tired and depressed. There is evidence that alcohol changes the chemistry of the brain itself and that this increases the risk of depression. Hangovers create a cycle of waking up feeling ill, anxious, jittery and guilty. Regular drinking can make life depressing - family arguments, poor work, unreliable memory and sexual problems.

As you drink different parts of your brain are affected that can lead to problems. The Hupothalamus and Pituitary Gland controls your sexual desire and growth.There are two very noticeable side effects Alcohol has on this part of your brain. This part of your brain controls the chemicals and endocrine functions like sex hormone secretion, growth and thyroid. Your sexual functions or easily affected, like your sexual performance decrease's and your arousal increases. Increased urine excretion. The Medulla is the most important part of your brain, this controls your bodily functions, such as heart rate, breathing, temperature and consciousness. To much Alcohol effects all these parts, this is because your BAC (Blood Level Content) keeps increasing. This is why alcohol is horrible for your body, as you drink more these important brain functions start to malfunction or fail.

Value and morals of a person plays a very important role in this regard! So parents should make that extra effort in telling and warning their children against drunk driving and show their own daily lives to their children by example and imbibe in them the importance of behaving as a responsible citizen. And, they should do nothing to bring any harm or any injury to people including something as irresponsible as drunk driving. Police should perform arbitrary checks on drunk drivers, especially at night to catch the offenders and reduce the menace. Most efficient way is a breath analyzer test which is the most common test used to catch the offenders DUI or Drinking under the Influence of Intoxicants that may cause problems in the present and in the future. Law against drunk drivers should be stringent and regular checks for drunk drivers on the road can be carried out by the law. Reprobates should be sternly punished in the form of levying heavy fines and penalties. Licenses of regular offenders should be suspended or terminated. Psychoanalysis programs should be conducted for those people who can't kiss the habit goodbye. Every state should provide ample information on the bad effects of DUI at the time of the driver's exams.

There may be many emotions a person experiences while working on the issue of sobriety. Anger is one of those emotions and one of the most powerful. When a person is trying to remain sober it is important to know how to handle those feelings. If you understand how to recognize these feelings and what to do with them, it is easier to avoid relapse. There are some steps you can follow to help you deal with the anger issues that involve alcohol. When anger is mismanaged it poses a threat to the recovery process for both those who have just stopped drinking and those who have not been drinking alcohol for a long time. First of all you will want to learn how to recognize angry feelings. Discover the ways your anger reveals itself and how you know when you are angry.

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About The Author, David Peters
Start discovering more about how to stop drinking , Discover out a lot of free of charge info to free yourself of this stop drinking habit.