Switch To Bottled Water Home Coolers

More and more people in this country are bypassing the water fountain and opting to drink bottled water instead. This growing trend has been responsible for an explosion of bottled water varieties available on the market today. Many people have even stopped drinking the water from their kitchen faucets and have installed bottled water home coolers. Is this just another crazy fad, or there actually a good reason to switch from tap water to bottled water?

The debate over tap water vs. bottled water has been waging for years. Many bottled water proponents insist that tap water tastes so awful that it is completely undrinkable. Other people simply prefer the crisp, clean taste of bottled water to that of their local tap water, which they think tastes and smells strange.

Of course, tap water does taste and smell different than bottled water, no one can deny that. That is because chlorine is added to the majority of the public water supply in order to reduce bacteria levels. In some cities, additional chemicals, such as fluoride, are added as well. And then there are certain parts of the country where the geography is such that the water really does reek of sulfur, and there is nothing that can be done about it.

For many people, it is the addition of these chemicals used to treat the public water supply that is the focal point of the tap water vs. bottled water debate. They feel that these chemicals are unhealthy and can result in serious health problems for many people, particularly pregnant and nursing women. There are even people that insist that these chemicals are quietly creating health problems among the general population that have yet to be identified.

Outbreaks of contamination in public drinking water are another reason that many households have decided to install bottled water home coolers. Even though local water supplies are strictly regulated, accidents do happen. And when they do, water contaminated with dangerously high bacteria levels makes its way to your faucet and into your drinking water. A person need only get sick once from having this happen, and they will never, ever drink water from the tap again.

Tap water is generally clean and safe, as it is subject to strict regulations. But bottled water is subject to much more rigorous standards and regulations. That's because it is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), while tap water is regulated by local authorities.

Many manufacturers now offer home delivery service. This makes it extremely convenient for people to enjoy their favorite bottled water without having to drag home heavy jugs and cases of water from the store.

For those of you concerned about contributing more plastic to our overflowing landfills, don't worry. Whenever water is delivered to your home, the delivery service picks up the empty plastic coolers and takes them to be recycled.

If the taste of your local water is keeping you from drinking the amount of water that your body needs to stay healthy, then bottled water home coolers may be the solution you are looking for.

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About The Author, Melanie Sattonfield
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