Think Twice Before You Drink Tap Water

"We suggest that you just drink tap water." That would no doubt be the response of some environmentalists, should they be asked how others ought to respond to the presence of phthalates in bottled water. In fact, one group of environmentally-conscious Californians has come close to putting out that very recommendation: "Drink tap water."

That group of Californians, a group concerned about the environment, gathered in September of 2008 at a booth, a booth at a local "Fiesta." They had in their booth information about their efforts to improve conditions in and around a local waterway. As they sat in that booth, they talked about their plans for replacing their plastic bottles of water with metal containers.

One woman present at the time of that conversation asked, "Where are you going to get the water to put in your metal container?"

A man who was in charge of the booth had this answer: "Why, from the tap? Tap water is the same as bottled water."

That gentleman, like so many people, failed to show concern for the low level of synthetic chemicals in the water supply. Research has linked the presence of those chemicals to the rise in degenerative diseases, diseases that now affect so many in our present-day world.

Unlike the medical community at the start of the 20th Century, health professionals of the 21st Century must deal with the fact that one in three people can expect to get cancer during their lifetime. Larger numbers of people are drinking water that contains chlorine, pesticides, herbicides and other dangerous chemicals. Those toxins then interfere with the natural growth process in certain body cells.

After those synthetic chemicals enter the environment, then they link to natural organic chemicals. The newly-formed, synthetic and volatile organic chemicals eventually get into the water supply. Those chemicals come out of virtually every household tap in the United States, unless the home with that tap delivers filtered water.

Every chemical that enters the environment works its way into the water supply. No "new water" has been created. There is no way to dilute the chemicals in our water supply. For that reason, it seems a bit crazy to tell someone "Drink tap water." Those who make that suggestion should expand on their suggestion. They should make it clear that there is only one sure way to get pure, good-tasting water from a home faucet.

Only a home or a business with a water filtration system can assure residents or employees that they have access to toxin-free water. Surveys show that a majority of homeowners and businesses have chosen to use activated carbon filters. When combined with ion exchange and micron filtration, those filters bring the level of contaminants in tap water down, down to an acceptable level.

When residents in a home or workers at a business site can refresh themselves with filtered tap water, then they have a reason to feel confident that they can fill their cups and water bottles with clean and safe drinking water.

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About The Author, Laurel Tevolitz
Laurel Tevolitz is a dedicated researcher of critical issues that affect health and well-being. Visit her water purification blog now at to discover which water purification system she recommends after extensive research.