Ultra Pure Water Not Meant for Drinking

Ultra pure water is not meant for drinking purposes. The problems with pure water of this nature, as it concerns drinking, are numerous. When we talk about purity for drinking purposes, we mean something different.

The purest sources for drinking are far underground. Some of the natural aquifers and springs remain uncontaminated by synthetic and organic chemicals that plague the world on the surface. Most of us are not lucky enough to have access to one of these aquifers.

Many of them have been bought up by bottling companies. Some of them claim to offer ultra pure water. But, the problems with pure water from a bottle are too numerous to even mention here. Briefly, the bottles contaminate our environment, they contaminate the liquids stored within, additional waters are needed to create them and they may or may not contain something that is safe to drink.

For most of use, our sources are surface waters, such as rivers, lakes or man-made reservoirs. There are no uncontaminated sources on the surface. We need a number of purification steps to make it safe for consumption. They begin at the treatment facilities and end in our homes, but ultra pure water is not what we need.

Ultra pure water is designed for industrial applications, such as semiconductors, inkjet formulations, printing and lithography. It is similar to the distilled waters used for film developing and reverse osmosis waters, used by a variety of industries. At one time or another, all of these systems have been adapted for home use, but the problems with pure water of this nature remain.

Those groundwater sources that we mentioned above have a healthy mineral content that helps us achieve proper hydration and electrolyte balance. Surface waters also have a mineral content.

One of the problems with pure water obtained through RO or distillation has to do with the human digestive system. It was not designed to run on ultra pure water. Waters like that are not naturally occurring anywhere in the world.

The digestive issues you could experience from drinking ultra pure water include heart burn, acid reflux, diarrhea, constipation, cramping and nausea. If you drank it, while working outdoors on a hot summer day or participating in a sport, you could suffer from hyper-hydration, which has symptoms similar to dehydration. Water alone does not hydrate the body.

That's why sports drinks are so popular, but they should not be consumed on a regular basis either. They have too much sugar, artificial colors and flavorings. The best choice for regular consumption is water with a trace mineral or electrolyte content.

The two most important electrolytes are sodium and potassium. That's one of the problems with pure water from distillers and RO, they don't contain those electrolytes.

If you are looking for something to drink, avoid the problems with pure water, look for a home purifier that removes chemical contaminants, cysts and heavy metals, while balancing electrolytes. They are called "selective filtration devices". Leave ultra pure water for the industries to use.

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About The Author, Laurel Tevolitz
Laurel Tevolitz is a dedicated researcher of critical issues that affect health and well-being. Visit her water purification blog now at http://www.safewaterpurifier.com to discover which water purification system she recommends after extensive research.