Is Coffee Good For Health? |
In the last 25 years cottage industries that study the effects of drinking coffee on health have increased rapidly. And why not. Because each day, more than 400 million cups of coffee are drunk all over the world. However, we have been warned for decades by health workers that coffee drinking might not be good for the health. But studies completed recently tell us that after all the opposite might just be the truth. Caffeine, one of the principle elements of coffee, has long been known as a moderate stimulant which can increase blood pressure, raise the heart rate and produce the sporadic uneven beat. At present, though, the majority of researchers think that such an effect is only for the time being and not necessarily harmful. Contrarily, what is emerging is positive reports about the many and expansive health benefits that can be reaped from consuming the brewed beans. There is unavoidable proof that coffee brings down the chances of the growth of colon cancer, but only when consumed at a higher degree which means four cups or more per day. When the consumption is so high the risk of outweighing the benefits is predictable. But when consumed mildly the benefits of drinking coffee are many. Like wine, coffee has antioxidants that help in the prevention of heart disease and a few types of cancers through the removal of oxygen radicals that destroy cell from the blood. A few studies have reported that the intensity of antioxidants is more than what is found in cranberries, tomatoes, or apples. However, scientists note many other important minerals, vitamins, and fibers in vegetables and fruits. Besides the absolute help in keeping a person mentally alert, Chinese studies have found out that coffee can contribute in the reduction of the effects of Parkinsons disease. Both Scandinavian and American studies point out that decaf or regular coffee help in the reduction of developing type-2 diabetes. This is welcoming news for Scandinavians who score the highest in per capita consumption of coffee all over the world. There is some proof that coffee may help in the reduction of the chances if having gallstones and kidney stones. More over, there are some digestives benefits that come with drinking coffee. Caffeine raises the secreting of stomach acid, which helps in digesting food. Caffeine has also been reported to bring down constriction of air passages in those with asthma, when consumes in moderate quantities. Apart from caffeine, coffee also contains theophyline, a bronchodilator which supports the working of caffeine. But the many benefits also have their own limitations. Some reports see a relationship between coffee intake and reduced fertility even though mammalian sperm swim faster, longer and farther in fluids that contains traces of coffee. Too much consumption of coffee has been linked with increased levels of homocysteine in the blood, which has recently been discovered as effecting coronary heart disease. Other reports indicate an increase in the harmful type of LDL-cholesterol. However, it is still debated today how much these factors really form the culprits of causing the heart diseases. In conclusion it can be said that most have agreed that the benefits of coffee intake far outnumber the risks. It can be mentioned here in passing that those who are heavily into coffee should know that they can be substituted with colas which contain one-third the quantity of caffeine per ounce. Somehow, however, taking a coke in place of a Latte does not seem worth it.