Benefits of Organic Wine

In order for wine to be considered 'organic' it must be made with grapes that are organic. This is not news. What you may not know is that organic wines cannot contain added sulfites. If added sulfites are used in the making of wine made with organic grapes, it can only be called 'Wine made with organic grapes'. It cannot be called Organic Wine. Although sulfites will be present in all fermented wines, the content will be low. Organic wines typically have around 40 ppm (part per million) of sulfites. Non-organic wine have approximately 335 ppm, over eight times the amount of sulfites.

Benefits to you:

1. Sulfites are the culprits that give you that headache and nausea the day after drinking. Having lower sulfites, Organic Wine reduces the risk of severe hangovers. This is especially true for people that are sensitive to sulfites. With Organic Wine, you can have your wine and drink it too.

2. Be 'cides' the sulfites, organic wine takes out all the 'cides (insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides). In a list of commonly purchased fruits, grapes land in the top 10 of fruits that retain the 'cides, no matter how much you wash them.

3. By buying organic wine, we are supporting organic farming and reducing the amount of 'cides that remain in our entire ecosystem.

It has been said that even moderate use of wine (and other alcohols) contribute to breast cancer in women. It has been theorize what in wine causes cancer. Some of the usual suspects are the 'cides and sulfite. This is not to say that you reduce your risk of breast cancer with organic wines. However, if you are going to drink wine, there are two possible variables that are diminished with organic wine.

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About The Author, Diane Robertson