Can You Wonder The Benefits Of Wine? |
One of the oldest alcoholic beverages is wine; its existence has been since thousands of years since 6000 B.C. It is made from the fermentation of grape juice. There is whole lot of varieties of wine available. One among these wines is the red wine which in recent days has been proven that it has a variety of benefits. Although red wine has gamete of benefits, but it is to be worth noted these benefits can be derived from moderate consumption and if the consumption is excessive it can have negative impacts on our health rather than its benefits. Current statistics suggest that red wine can provide much more benefits than just relaxation. Increases the longevity of life: Current data suggests that red wine has an element in it which extends the longevity of life .An article research suggests that in 2000 there were more than 600 million people above the age of 60 years and this figure in 2025 will reach about 1.2 billion in 2025. The presence of this element in red wine thus helps to increase the life span of human beings and they could also remove the age related illness of human beings. According to surveys in France, Denmark, UK and Finland limited quantity of red wine consumption is more beneficial than the consumption of beers and other spirits. Smoking Intense smoking damages the vessels and they tend to lose the natural ability to relax. However red wine has some beneficial impacts to remove the negative impact of smoking. Red wine in the presence or absence of alcohol form a layer of cells called endothelium cells form a friction reducing lining in the blood vessels, heart and the lymph vessels, thus reducing the negative effects of smoking. Effects on heart One of the most proven and studied benefit of wine is that it is very much heart protective effect. Limited consumption of heart disease acts as a protection against the coronary heart disease. It reduces the production LDL (bad cholesterol) and it boosts the production of HDL (good cholesterol). Blood clotting Another very important feature of red wine is its ability towards anticlotting. Consumers who consume wine to light and moderate levels have lower levels of protein fibrinogen which promotes blood clot formation. Hypertension When the wine is consumed in excess it acts as a risk factor for hypertension .However there have been studies which have proved that if 250ml of wine is consumed along with the meal it can reduce the blood pressure in hypertensive persons. Kidney stone formation It also reduces the risk of kidney stone formation. To conclude with I would not suggest everyone to drink wine wholeheartedly but I would suggest that if you fall in the above situation that it would be a good idea to consume wine in moderate quantity.
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