How to Make Fabulous Wine at Home |
True wine lovers at one time or another have been tempted to make their own wine at home. Many, however, are intimidated by the perceived difficulty of the task, and don't ever try. Fear not! Making wonderful wine at home is easier than you think. It just takes time, (a little more than a month), and patience. This article will detail the steps in the wine making process. First, let's get together the ingredients you'll need to make your wine. Let's start with the grapes and sugar. 5 lbs of blue grapes and 8 lbs of sugar will get you rolling. Next, food coloring, 4 oz of yeast, and 2 egg whites. Finally, 3 gallons of purified water, 1 lb of wheat, and a nylon cloth. O.K., we're ready to go! Go ahead and separate the grapes from the stalks. Make sure to wash the grapes thoroughly. At this point, it's time to crush the grapes. Your decision on how to crush the grapes depends on the quantity of grapes and personal preference. If you have more grapes than this recipe calls for, you may want to consider stomping the grapes. If you take this route, you'll need a commercial sized aluminum bin. Make sure your feet are extremely clean and free from open wounds, fungus, callouses etc. Stomp the grapes VERY thoroughly. Don't be shy, STOMP them! Take the crushed grapes and place them in earthen jars. Should you follow the amount of grapes in this recipe, you may want to crush the grapes with your hands. But be aware of the fact that grape juice stains are difficult to remove from your hands. It is best to wear rubber gloves. The egg whites must be whipped well. Add 4 lbs of sugar and all the other ingredients to the crushed grapes. It's important that you cover the jars with a secure lid. Open the lid daily to stir the contents, making sure that the lid is secured after each stirring. Continue stirring once a day for 21 days. After 21 days, pour the remaining 4 lbs of sugar into the mixture. Do not open for 21 days. That is important! Do not even peek for 21 days! After the 21 days, strain the clear wine off the top using the nylon cloth. Should you desire a color for your wine, use the appropriate food coloring. Add the coloring drop by drop until the wine reaches your preferred color Voila! Your wine is now ready to be bottled. Incidentally, should you prefer your wine a little less sweet, simply add less sugar. You'll find that your wine making will have an element of trial and error. If you do plan on bottling your wine, be sure to get careful instructions. Improper bottling is the fastest way to ruin the wine that you worked so hard to create. The best way to get instructions on bottling your wine is to enter the search term, "how to bottle wine" in to a Google search box. Believe me, you will find ample information on the subject on the Internet. The only thing left to do now is to grab a glass and enjoy your new creation!