7 Ultra-Healthy Foods You Should Be Eating

Imagine feeling great, having tons of energy, and enjoying incredible health all the time. If you eat the following healthy, great-tasting foods regularly (while avoiding unhealthy processed foods and sugar) you will be amazed at how incredible you'll feel. Try it for a week and see what happens!

Almonds -- Possibly the healthiest nut in the world, almonds are packed with good stuff like protein, fiber, magnesium, calcium, iron, vitamin E and monounsaturated fat. Eating a handful of raw almonds every day will boost your energy and help to lower your "bad" cholesterol levels.

Broccoli -- When it comes to healthy vegetables, it's tough to beat broccoli. This delicious green veggie has been shown to help prevent numerous health problems and will provide you with everything from fiber to calcium to cancer-fighting phytonutrients!

Red Beans -- Red bean varieties (such as pinto beans and red kidney beans) are great sources of healthy protein, fiber, and antioxidants. They're also full of important minerals like iron and magnesium. Beans are powerful "prevention" foods that have been shown to help fight cancer, stroke and heart disease. Plus, due to their high-fiber content, they're great for anyone trying to lose weight and keep hunger in check.

Sweet Potatoes -- Forget plain white potatoes. They're simply not that healthy. Start eating great-tasting sweet potatoes and you'll get a huge boost of beta-carotene, vitamin C, fiber and B vitamins. Plus, sweet potatoes rank much lower on the glycemic index than white potatoes so they're less likely to spike your insulin and blood sugar levels (which can make your body store extra fat and zap your energy).

Salmon -- This high-fat fish is one of the healthiest types of animal protein you can eat. It's got the important omega-3 fatty acids everyone needs for optimal health and disease prevention. Always remember to choose grilled fish (not fried!) and, when possible, choose wild salmon as it is less likely to contain high levels of mercury.

Blueberries -- All berries are healthy, but blueberries may be at the top of the list in terms of ounce-for-ounce nutrition. These nutrient-dense fruits are loaded with powerful antioxidants and phytochemicals, not to mention fiber and healthy carbohydrates. If you want to stay young, there may be no better "anti-aging" food than blueberries... so eat a handful every day!

Apples -- The common apple is an incredibly powerful health food. Apples contain lots of important vitamins and minerals, including significant amounts of vitamin C. But the apple's most important nutrient may be pectin, a type of fiber shown to help lower cholesterol levels, maintain healthy blood glucose levels, and even help you lose body fat. The other great thing about apples is that they're very portable and can be used as a quick snack just about anywhere you go.

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About The Author, Jamie Clark
Jamie Clark is a long-time health writer and is co-editor of FreshHealthyUseful.com. For more useful health news and articles, be sure to visit http://www.freshhealthyuseful.com/ .