Healthy Eating that Taste Delicious

Healthy Eating doesn't have to be gross tasting. It's true! The nutritionists who spout the virtue of fruits and vegetables, especially those nasty "cruciferous" vegetables with anti-cancer nutrients such as broccoli and cauliflower have obviously never tasted them in the raw form of which they effuse. They never offer great recipes for making them taste less vile. And let's face it, raw broccoli and cauliflower pretty much taste like chunks of tree root with a waxy aftertaste. However, when cooked properly amongst a great blend of herbs, spices, and a light sauce, they become a head sensation sure to please, making you forgetful of the very health benefits they imbue.

What about beef? While beef has been maligned as being bad for you, it has many outstanding nutrients such as iron and zinc that feed red blood cells. Lean cuts of red meat have proven to be healthy, eaten in moderation. It is necessary for protein and energy, and includes many B vitamins that are important for a healthy lifestyle, such as B1, B2, B6 and B12. Intangible benefits include a contribution to our sense of wellbeing and a sense of fullness, which is critical if one is trying to lose weight.

It usually becomes beneficial to ones health and palate to combine both meat and vegetable to ensure a complete array of nutrition is enjoyed. The chefs that create these sterling recipes can be found all over the Internet and in many recipe books It is a matter of one's personal taste as to what combinations of meats, vegetables and spices make up a desirable entree.

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About The Author, Kimberly Ruzich