High Fiber Foods To Cleanse The Colon

Have you been feeling irritable, tired or overweight lately? Have you felt like you are not as healthy as before? Has your feeling of well being deteriorated with age? If yes, your problem could be toxins, which can be eliminated by a colon cleansing diet.

?Death begins in the colon?, say digestive experts. 57 leading physicians met and discussed this issue before the Royal Society of Medicine of Great Britain. They concluded that toxic colon, technically known as alimentary toxemia is linked to almost every chronic disease known to man. There are more than 35 bacterial poisons that can get absorbed through our intestines causing toxic colon.

It is unlikely that you would connect your heart trouble, depression or headaches to a toxic colon, but that is precisely what the Royal Society of Medicine report suggests. It is important to understand the working of the colon in order to comprehend this connection and appreciate the dangers of constipation.

The colon is also called the lower bowel or large intestine. It is positioned at the end of our digestive tract and measures approximately five-feet. Most of the nutrients contained in our food are absorbed by the time food gets to the colon, and largely toxins or fibrous waste is left for elimination. For regular bowel movement, digestive experts recommend a daily dose of 20-35 grams of fiber. Sadly, in the United States, most people get about half of the daily fiber requirement and thus our colons are suffering.

The colon can be viewed as the body's sewer system. Its job is to ?flush? waste from our bodies ideally twice or thrice a day. According to naturopathy, less than 2 bowel movements daily is considered constipation. Constipation means that wastes are sticking around longer than required making it easy for pathogenic bacteria to act on them. The byproducts of this interaction are called bacterial poisons by the Royal Society of Medicine. By allowing this putrefied material to stay in the body longer than necessary, we allow toxins to go through the intestinal cells lining the colon and enter the bloodstream.

Toxins that get into the bloodstream and settle in our tissues can cause problems ranging from fatigue to headaches. Constipation and infrequent bowel movements can also reduce or negatively affect the absorption of nutrients by the body, depriving us of vitality and energy.

Thankfully, we can use colon cleansing to improve the health of our intestinal tract. We can detoxify our bowels and achieve 2-3 bowel movements daily if we use our body's own processes of natural elimination. The easiest way to cleanse the colon is to eat a fiber rich diet.

Indigestible plant parts are referred to as fiber. Fiber is of two types ? insoluble and soluble. Insoluble fiber, also called roughage, comes from foods like fibrous fruits, vegetables and bran. It helps in providing bulk to the bowel and cleaning the wall of the intestine, thus promoting regular bowel movement. Foods such as fruit pectin are a source for soluble fiber. It forms a gel on dissolving in water. It therefore provides the benefit of absorbing excess toxins and cholesterol in our intestine and providing food for the intestinal flora. In addition to building a healthy digestive environment, soluble fiber also helps form our stool.

Experts across the world recommend consuming more fiber so our digestive system can receive its health benefits. Increasing fiber intake promotes a healthy colon and toxin elimination. It is easy and convenient to use supplements to fulfill our daily fiber needs.

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About The Author, Brandon H. Masters