Stock Up With Antioxidants And See The Benefits |
Do you know about the incredible benefits of antioxidants? Do you know what antioxidants can do for your body? There is a lot of talk on the Internet about antioxidants. So, basically these antioxidants fight the free radicals and in that way they are going to help you prevent a lot of diseases and keep you young and healthy as well. They can play a vital role in slowing down the process of aging. Not only that, but they will help you to recover from your workout and that basically means a firmer, leaner body in the long term. How do these antioxidants work when you are tired after a heavy workout? During exercise, the body produces a lot of free radicals and these are not such a great asset for your body as they tend to damage muscle tissue. So, what you need is to stock up with antioxidants before you start your workout. An hour beforehand is ideal. In that way, you are providing your body with the necessary defences against these nasty free radicals and thereby helping your body to reduce the damage done to the muscles by the free radicals. Did you know that nuts and seeds are great sources of antioxidants ? Also berries - cranberries, cherries, blackberries, blueberries. Fruits such as strawberries and raspberries will give you a good supply too. Not forgetting beans, purple potatoes, grapes and red wine. Then there are various types of tea - oolong tea is very fashionable at the moment with good reason. But also white tea, black teas and red tea, also known as rooibos will do equally well. When you see all the hype about expensive antioxidant pill supplements, jus forget them because natural sources are always best and as you can see from the list above, there are plenty around. Try this pre-workout snack an hour before you begin training. It is just loaded with antioxidants. Toast a slice of wholemeal bread and then spread some almond butter and blueberry jam on top. Add some sliced strawberries or fresh blueberries. Drink some tea - any one of those listed above - sweetened with a little honey. All these ingredients are just full of antioxidants which are going to keep you younger and protect your muscles. Don't just take my word for it, try it. You can also be inventive and suit your own tastes - there are loads of foods you can choose from. Every day, we are exposed to a large doses of free radicals. They come from exercise and workouts but also from the air pollution, smoke, sun, junk food not to mention chemicals and other nasty substances in the atmosphere. These free radicals are producing what is called oxidative stress and antioxidants are the answer. What we must try and do is to ensure that every meal or even snack has at least one antioxidant source in it. In this way we are getting a constant supply of these valuable antioxidants which will be great protection. Antioxidants are just one important element in your diet. You will need to take them constantly so that you can be leaner and fitter. You will need them to live longer and fight off heart disease, strokes and diabetes which are the plague of the western world. You can learn a lot more by clicking on the link below. .