The Perfect Wedding Diet |
I know how important it is for you to be in the best shape of your life for your wedding. I also know how stressful it can be. I also know that stress often leads to binging and over-eating!!! So, how do you stop that from happening? What is the perfect wedding diet???? Is there such a thing as the perfect wedding diet??? There definitely isn't a perfect wedding diet because you shouldn't even be DIETING!!!!!! Ok, so you think I'm crazy for saying that right? I mean how could you possibly lose fat and get toned without DIETING??? The answer is simply, you have to learn how to make the right choices. You need to learn how to eat healthy and moderately. Your main problem during this time is going to be lack of time. You won't have much time to cook and eat, so you will make wrong decisions. So this is what you have to do. You have to cook in bulks. You have to choose a day to do your groceries, and actually plan out before hand what you are going to cook so that you can buy those ingredients. Once you have your ingredients and your meals planned, take one day and cook enough food for 3-4 days. For example: You can make 2 cups of brown rice, bake 3-4 sweet potatoes, hard boil some eggs, grill 5 chicken breasts, make a big and delicious tuna salad, grill some turkey burgers, make a bunch of different veggies, etc. If you do this and keep it in the fridge, you won't have to worry about cooking when you get home late from work and running around doing errands. It will also be good for the pocket, because you will not be spending money eating out. Once you prepare all the food, all you have to do is think about what the upcoming day entails so that you can plan how many meals you need to pack. What should each meal contain for the "PERFECT WEDDING DIET": In order for you to lose FAT, you need to speed up your metabolism. You can do this by eating a "perfect wedding diet meal" every 3-4 hours. This will cause your body to burn calories all day long because your body will have to work really hard to break down the food. Make sure the meals are small portions. By doing this, you will not CRAVE SUGAR, and you will not feel like you are STARVING! Yet you will burn a ton of FAT!!!! Here is a simple recipe of protein muffins that you can pre-make and have them as in-between meals. They are super easy to make and they are yummy!!! Perfect Wedding Diet Muffins Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. 1 Cup quick oat's Oatmeal Combine dry ingredients in a bowl and set aside. In a mixing bowl add all wet ingredients. 1 Egg Mix all wet ingredients, and then slowly add dry ingredients. Fold in: Pour into muffin pan. Bake 15 minutes.