Eating A Healthy Breakfast

Most of the Americans never find time to have a healthy breakfast. Breakfast is certainly one of the means to achieve a long and healthy life. Remember you mother saying that breakfast is most important. Medical science has proved so now. If you are on the move always and need only a cereal that's perfectly fine, but be aware of what is a healthy breakfast you require.

Breakfast is a means to energize your body after a night's fasting. Since you are breaking the fast, you surely don?t require any more unhealthy food stuffed in your body that is already in a bad shape. A healthy breakfast will help you control you weight and mental faculties throughout the day. It is mere common sense to eat a healthy breakfast and you will soon start feeling the advantages of eating it.

Cereal is a very common breakfast to start for most people, but this is certainly not a healthy breakfast. Here is another great food related site These grain based breakfasts do not have the appropriate amount of complex carbohydrates the body demands. Fiber has load of these carbohydrates, but most cereals have fine grain but without the other healthy ingredient. 30 grams of fiber, both soluble and insoluble is what comprises an ideal breakfast.

By consuming something that includes insoluble fiber it eases gastro intestinal problems. Your stomach and bowels will empty easier, and studies have shown that it reduces intestinal and colon cancers. Insoluble fiber works by sucking water into the intestines, and it eases passing stools. Soluble fiber in a healthy breakfast plays an important role too because the stomach contents won?t empty too fast. Other studies have shown that this cuts down on the incident of diabetes, and clogged arteries of heart disease.

Process cereal have a lot of sugar, and lacking in potassium hence not at all helpful to you. Many a times a vitamin rich should also be a part of a healthy breakfast. For males then you should consume good amounts of mineral selenium in your breakfast so as to reduced the chances of colon cancer.

Eating well in the morning is a must. You start the day on a right footing and can avoid those unhealthy eating sprees for your lunch. Instead you can have a lot of snacks between meals. This facilitates digestion and keeps your mental faculties alert. Eating a healthy breakfast might motivate others to practice the same and you will definitely live long enough to enjoy everything with your dear ones.

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About The Author, Rachel Lynn