A Look At The Excellent Cooking Choices Offered By Steak And Ale

Among the many restaurant chains that serve the American market, Steak and Ale is one of the most successful ones by its semi-casual specificity and excellent cooking choices. Founded in the mid 60s, Steak and Ale has followed such an ascending development path that it even leases franchises at the moment. The main marketing has always been that of keeping menus at an accessible or casual price, so that the average American be the regular customer; this is part of the Steak and Ale working policy together with the requirement of sticking to a culinary tradition of steak and entrées cooking.

The most likely place where you'll find a Steak and Ale restaurant is by the side of a busy road; anyone who wants to stop and grab a bite is welcome in this traditional steakhouse. There are hundred of such locations spread in the United States all honoring the name of Steak and Ale. Making reservations is not necessary as a general rule, however, at noon for instance you may have to wait a little bit for a seating; the service is impeccable and you'll be definitely well-treated. The guest can start with an appetizer before continuing to the main course: among the traditional Steak and Ale dishes for the matter, you can choose baked stuffed mushrooms, cheese garlic loafs or shrimp cargo.

Steak and Ale provide very rich and varied menus for both lunch and dinner, and what will delight the taste of customer most is the very happy combination of meat, cheese and dressings; not to mention side dishes that are absolutely great. Take for instance the southwest chicken that Steak and Ale serve as one of the house's specialties; this is marinated chicken breast grilled and served with all sorts of fine cheese varieties, tomatoes and onions. The side dish can consist of either mashed potatoes or rice pilaf, but the preferences usually go for the latter.

Most Steak and Ale restaurants have a free salad bar standing in the middle of the location, just a little bit off the seating area; you'll find almost anything in such a bar from iceberg lettuce to the most varied of toppings. Enjoy the experience! If you are on a low caloric diet, you can tell the waiter to bring you one of the special menus Steak and Ale offers for the low-fat meal programs they respect. Given the wide number of menu entries, you'll definitely have a difficulty of choice; each dish is more appealing than the other, so that if you liked the place, you're definitely going come and try something else at Steak and Ale the next time.

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About The Author, Muna Wa Wanjiru
Muna wa Wanjiru Has Been Researching and Reporting on Steak for Years. For More Information on Steak and Ale, Visit His Site at STEAK AND ALE