Whats Hot- Graduation Cake Ideas?

Fondant cake recipes are important to learn before making a graduation cake. It gives upgrades to the cake.

Important tips to make fondant
1.Both the dough and icing need to be done at room temperature.
2.Use more fondant icing while calculating it as left over icing can be stored for future use.
3.Make smooth and clean working surface. Don’t wear jewellery while preparing dough.

Ingredients required
•1 tsp of almond extracts
•1 tsp of gelatin (preferably unflavored)
•½ tsp of vegetable shortening (whitening)
•2 pound of confectioner’s sugar
•1 tsp of glycerin
•½ cup of corn soup
•¼ cup of cold water

Recipe to make fondant
•Spread the gelatin over the ½ cup of cold water. Keep it still for 2 minutes. It will get soft.
•Place this bowl in microwave for approximately 30 sec. gelatin will dissolve.
•Add the flavor
•Add glycerin and corn soup. Stir it to obtain clear and smooth mixture.
•Shift 1 ½ pound sugar into large bowl
•Pour the mixture after making a hole in sugar.
•Stir till the mixture gets sticky.
•Shift ½ pound of sugar on smooth surface and add more sugar required by the surface.
•Fondant requires kneading at this stage. More sugar can be added to form smooth mass.
•Knead vegetable shortening into the fondant.
•Wrap it in plastic wrap. Place it in air tight sealed container to avoid further drying.
•If the icing dry out, it can be regained by placing it in microwave for few seconds. Knead it back.

A first glimpse into a parents’ responsibility

The very first responsibility of parents is to give some name to their baby. Babies are the blessing of god to parents. Their cuteness and ignorance guides us the path of honesty. And this guide requires some name when he enters our world. It is his name that recognizes him.

While deciding the name for a child, lot of factors plays an important role. Some parent want to give them their ancestral names, the other wants to have some conventional name, whereas some want to match it with their surname. Thus whatever be your choice, always look for the unique meaningful names that sound good. Some of such boys names are as follows:-

•Ean-God is Gracious, Scottish
•Eden-paradise, Hebrew
•Ebbe-brave, Scandinavian
•Edward-wealthy, English
•Edsel- noble one, German

When boys can have a good name, why not girls? Yes! Girls also have the equal rights to have unique and good meaningful name. Secondly, when it comes to parents, they always love their child, whether it is a boy or a girl. So, some of the good names for girls are as follows:-

•Edolie-noble, English
•Eavan-beautiful, Irish
•Edana- noble, German
•Ekin-harvest, Turkish
•Edita-from the name EARTH, spanish

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About The Author, Zander Smith
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