Poker With Chocolate Poker Coins

Poker nights are sacred nights to your man. This is his night to have fun with the boys. Sometimes it’s even healthier for your relationship if you give him one night a week to enjoy himself with his friends. This is like you and your girlfriends going out for lunch or margaritas after work. If you want to make your relationship not only work but last longer, here are some tips that you can do to show that you also want him to be happy.

•Surprise him with Vegas night party.
Sans the strippers of course, you can decorate the basement or living room with a Las Vegas party theme for him and the boys. Drape lights all over the place. Cover the table in green felt cloth. For better effects, you can order online a bag of chocolate coins realistically rendered in chocolate quarters or pennies. These chocolate items are sure to delight your man and his friends.

There are websites online who specialize in Vegas themed party where you can purchase poker chips. Chocolate pennies, dollars and other coins in other denominations can add a touch of fun to the party and a sort of reminder to him and his friends that it’s just a game.

•Cook for him and his friends.
On poker nights, you could surprise him with a small buffet of chips, hamburgers and salsa. The stomach is the way to a man’s heart, right. Cook something that the boys can relish and nothing very fancy. Remember that they have to keep their hands clean for handling cards. For dessert you can leave a batch of brownies, chocolate hammers or some jelly beans. It may seem like children’s food but during these nights, your man is just any other having fun with his friends.

•Clean the place up.
It may be a little effort to do since you know how men can be messy. You can easily surprise him by finding their usual poker spot clean. It can be refreshing for him and his friends to settle to something clean. His friends will even be impressed at how you can be such a caring partner. Make sure that everything is in its place. You can go ahead and prepare the poker cards and chips (chocolate pennies, quarters and dollars can be fun alternatives) on the table. As a welcome surprise, how about cold bottles of beer chilled in a bucket nearby?

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About The Author, Caitlina Fuller
Caitlina Fuller is a freelance writer. For better effects, you can order online a bag of chocolate coins realistically rendered in chocolate quarters or pennies. These chocolate items are sure to delight your man and his friends. For dessert you can leave a batch of brownies, chocolate hammers or some jelly beans.