Richland Chocolate Apples Are Good To The Core

Have you ever wished you knew where you could get one of those big fat chocolate apples that you see in specialty stores? Chocolate apples take on a whole new dimension when it comes to gourmet apples. The first thing to consider when buying a chocolate apple is ask the store clerk if it’s fresh. I know that seems simple, but some apples in the grocery and specialty stores have been there for weeks and are not good once they are bitten in to. When buying a chocolate apple look for a firm apple with fresh ingredients. The chocolate on the apple should be creamy and smooth to the palate. The chocolate apple should not be bitter or feel mushy. This is a sign that this apple needs to be discarded.

Chocolate apples may also come in a variety of colors. The most popular chocolate apple is milk chocolate; however, milk and white chocolate striped are popular as well. Colored chocolate apples are now being used for weddings and anniversary celebrations. The hot color this year is pink chocolate mixed with milk chocolate. Chocolate apples are often decorated to resemble flowers, tuxedos, wedding dresses and many other types of themes. If you are getting married consider having chocolate apples as a centerpiece on your tables or as hostess gifts. I guarantee your guest will never stop talking about the beauty of those apples.

Chocolate apples make awesome gifts for Christmas, birthdays and "just because." If you want to make a great impression on your friends, colleagues, hair dresser, or postman give them an apple from Richland Gourmet Apples you are sure to be the hit for the next year! Everyone likes a apple, especially when it’s chocolate apple. So, don’t waste another minute go online and order your chocolate apples today at the world’s ultimate chocolate apple store, which is Richland Gourmet Apples.

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About The Author, Janice Dunbar
The author owns and offers a wide variety of chocolate gourmet apples. These chocolate apples are the perfect gift for any occasion! Chocolate apples are the perfect give away or centerpiece for weddings.