2 Eulogy Poems for a Christian Funeral or Memorial Service

By: Kathy Steinemann

A couple of recent deaths in the family found me searching the Internet trying to locate a suitable eulogy or funeral poem. What I found was often very inspiring and brought tears to my eyes.

However, many of the poems were quite long, and filled with flowery, unnatural language. Some of the pieces I found were written decades ago, and contained words or expressions no longer used in modern English. Most of the poetry didn't have quite the sentiment I was trying to find.

Some excellent modern poetry was copyrighted, and I couldn't pinpoint a way to contact the author for permission to use his or her work.

I ended up writing my own poem for the memorial service. Luckily, it was a 'Celebration of Life' held several weeks after the death of my relatives, so I was able to take my time.

Unfortunately, most funerals are held within a few days of a loved one's passing. Add to that the fact that we are suffering through a grieving process - and our poetic muses seem to hide away in the deep, dark recesses of our minds.

The other day I was thinking about this. If I had trouble finding a poem, others would be sure to have the same problem.

Here are a couple of poems that may be used for a funeral or memorial service. In both poems, you may exchange 'he', 'his', etc. for 'she', or 'her' where appropriate. You may even want to add a specific reference to the person's name in the title and/or text of the poem.

For example: 'He is Waiting' could be changed to 'Harold is Waiting'; or 'He's with us right now' to 'Harold's with us right now' ... etc.

If you publish these poems (or the entire article) on your website, please be sure to include the byline, copyright notice, and links. If you use one of the poems for a memorial service or funeral, please include my byline.

Eulogy - Funeral Poem Number 1:

I'll Join Him Someday

I haven't been there yet - but I'm leaving someday,
To join my loved one - he's not far away.
Can you feel his presence? his warmth? his love?
He's with us right now - looking down from above,
Watching and waiting - as we grieve and cry,
Reaching out in comfort - with a gentle sigh.
Please don't weep for him - he's with the Lord,
Protected from Satan - with just one word:

By Kathy Steinemann

Eulogy - Funeral Poem Number 2:

He's Waiting

His face was wrinkled, his hair white as snow,
His body was tired of this world here below.
He waited patiently to hear God's call.
When it came, he was ready, and surrendered all -
To be with our Savior, in His loving care -
To join friends and family and with them share
The Lord's boundless love and endless grace;
He is with Jesus now in His warm embrace;
He waits again patiently - for you and me,
Till we leave this Earth, finally free,
To meet him again and share his delight,
As we enter the city that has no night.

By Kathy Steinemann

(c)Copyright Kathy Steinemann: This article is free to publish only if this copyright notice, the byline, and the author's note below (with active links) are included.


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