A Spinster is Better Than a Bachelor

By: SreeLakshmy


Spinster is a woman, who cares life,
She is very attractive in her skill,
She has powers which is unfound in others,
She has dedicated mind to work hard,
She loves adventures and experiences,
So, she is far better than a bachelor!

Spinster is a woman who loves peace
She is much known for her abilities,
She is honored and respected in life,
She faces challenges in life than others,
She is difficult and determined of goals,
She becomes more successful in life,
So, she is far better than a bachelor!

Spinster is a woman who is courageous
She takes things in life more easily,
She makes stern decisions than others can,
She gets adjusted with every thing and-
leads a better life, to her wish,
She is a greatful being in earth who is-
specially gifted by the nature,
So, she is far better than a bachelor!

Spinster is a woman who has extra qualities-
and is supported by others
She is caring and broad-minded person,
She has tendency to help the needy,
She works and acts than ordinary,
She becomes a role model to others-
and gives a good quality of life,
So, she is far better than a bachelor!


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