How Much Money Can You Make Selling Ebooks?

By: John Roalf

One of the most common questions we get at Ebook Architect is"how much money will I make selling ebooks? Well, like mostbusinesses the answer will depend on many different factors. Forexample the amount of time you put into the promotion of yourebook will have a direct consequence on sales and marketinterest in your ebook topic is another important factor. Peoplewho are good at picking good ebook topics and promoting theirebooks usually stand to make a lot of money with ebooks.

How Much Money You Ask?

Some Ebook entrepreneurs lose money in the course of a yearwhile some make hundreds of thousands of dollars. Morerealistically however is somewhere in between these two points.Many ebook authors make between $5,000 and $20,000 a year.

How to Maximize Ebook Sales

The best way to ensure optimum sales is to constantly promoteyour ebook. This may mean staying in on weekends and staying uplate during the week. Some of the best ways to promote yourebook include buying advertising from large advertising portalssuch as Google and Yahoo, partaking in link exchanges, writingarticles for websites and Ezines, building an information densewebsite and writing great ebook sales pages. Accomplishing allof this is no minor feat. You should expect to be in productdevelopment for between 1-6 months and then the promotionalaspect may take another 4-12 months. It's not necessarily aneasy job but as stated above the payoff could be substantial.

Worst Case Scenario

Even if you decide half way through the process that ebookentrepreneurship is not your cup of tea, you will still havewritten an ebook and be selling it online. That makes you anauthor; congratulations. Not only will you be an author but yourebook may give you some extra pocket change on a monthly basis.If nothing else, it will be a good learning experience. You havenothing to lose, so why not give it a shot?


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