Author an E-book and Market Your Knowledge

By: Suneva Lightfoot

Knowledge is not only powerful it is valuable as well. Information publishing; writing and marketing an e-book is one of the best ways to profit from what you already know. But the thought of becoming an author intimidates many people because they do not understand the process.

For your first e-book project it's much easier to write about what you know well or a subject that holds a high level of interest for you. Creating an e-book does require research, it is important to verify the sources of your information: using the Internet makes this part of the process much less time-consuming. Depending on what type of e-book you are writing you can also find tools online to help you create a glossary or bibliography.

Begin the process by making a list of what you know or want to learn to perform an Internet search. You need to know what types of books are currently being offered on these subjects. Why is it important to consider your competition in the process? Because if there are 2,000 books on the same subject it will a large marketing budget. You need a unique marketing angle on whatever subject you choose to create sales.

This brings us to the second point-- take a look at how the subjects are presented and think about what specific topic has not been discussed about your particular interest. Keep in mind that no matter what your interests may be, you have plenty of company. Don't believe me? Try this: think of the most unusual thing you like and search the Internet for it--I bet you will find more than one listing for it.

In general, people seek new information because they're constantly seeking ways to make their lives easier. Perhaps your experience has provided you with a new way to handle a task that will save them time and money? But human beings are curious by nature and many people have a variety of interest beyond taking care of responsibilities: there is a lot more to life than many people even imagine.

Whatever the case may be, it is important to create a distinct image for your e-book and establish new value for the readers. The grammar vocabulary and style that you use also are important elements that need careful attention. Before you go to the next step of the publishing process you should enlist the services of a professional "fresh set of eyes" to proofread and edit your e-book for grammatical errors, and to make sure your writing can be easily understood.

When the editing and proofreading process is completed you can add the finishing touches such as diagrams, charts or graphic images that illustrate certain parts of the contents. Even though your book is in electronic format having a cover designed to simulate a hardcopy book will make it easier to market.

Publishing your e-book can be done easily by using an e-book compiler. These software programs automatically paginate your e-book in the format you desire. You can have the title of each chapter at the top of the page as well as the page number. The software can also prohibit certain activities such as printing or copying the contents.

Unlike a few years ago when e-books were new on the market, today there are thousands of outlets to market and sell your e-book-including some of the major book retailers such as and Barnes & Noble. There is a huge selection of authoring tools available that simplify the process of creating your e-book for profit.

The people who write e-books are just like you and me. There are people who are interested in your valuable experience and knowledge -- share the wealth and prosper.

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