Metal detecting for hidden treasures is becoming more and more of a popular hobby today. What makes it such a great hobby, is the fact that anyone can go looking for burried treasure. You do not have to have any special skills, or physical abilities to have fun with a metal detector.
Today, you can find a great metal detector to get started with for around a hundred and fifty dollars or so. So it is also a realitively cheap hobby to get started in. However, many people waste a lot of their valuable time and effort doing things that do not work when they could be finding burried treasures all the time. Below you will find a few tips that should get you started on your way to finding more burried treasure with your metal detector. First off, go metal detecting right after a good hard rain. When the ground is wet, the metal detector is much more sensitive to give back a signal because the ground has a higher conductivity. If you try this technique, you will likely find things in the ground that your detector normally would not have given you a signal for. Be prepared to dig in the mudd however. The signals you will get on a wet rainy day will likely be deeper than on other days. Secondly, try using your metal detector on the beach before trying in a field. Sand is a lot easier to detect in than soil. It is also easier to dig in. A third advantage to getting started with your metal detector on a beach rather than in a field, is that more people tend to hang out on the beach. This gives you a better chance of finding something of value. Try going to the beach on a Monday. Often times the sand will be loaded with great stuff you can find because everyone hangs out on the beach during the weekend. Lastly, a good piece of advice would be to find someone more experienced than you that could teach you how to have a successful treasure hunt. You can do this by joining a club, or searching online. The fact that you are reading this article shows that you are taking initiative to get more information. There are many good sites you can find simply by doing a Google search for metal detecting tips. You will find all sorts of metal detecting secrets that more experienced people are sharing for free, and in video format. Consider investing in a course from an advanced treasure hunter, but stay away from high priced coaches who charge thousands of dollars. If you follow these tips, you will be well on your way to finding more treasure with your metal detector, more often! |
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