These rifles can be used for the big game like deer, moose, grizzlies, elk and even water buffalo. You can also shoot small game such as turkeys, wild boar (hogs) and squirrels with these rifles. To achieve these different game shots you have a wide selection of rifles for hunting to choose from.
There are many different brands and varieties of rifles. Rifle hunting can be done with well known ones like Winchester and Remington. You will also find relatively unknown brands like the Sakko 75 hunting rifle and the Tikka T3. Weatherby and Ruger are also rifles which are used by hunters. These many different brands can also be found in different forms also.
For instance you will find pump action rifle hunting alongside that of bolt action, semi-automatics and lever action rifles. There are rifles where you can use small caliber, high velocity, light weight bullets or heavy, large sized and slow moving bullets.
The choice of rifle you choose to use should be dependent largely on the game you are going to shoot. For beginners the best type of rifle hunting should be done with skeet until you have found the best way to hit a moving target. You can also attend a Hunters Education class to get to know more about hunting.
Once you have gained the knowledge and experience of shooting with a rifle you can look in the sports and hunting stores to buy a rifle hunting for one of these guns should done with care. Since the rifle is in many ways an extension of the hunter's arm it is best to choose a rifle where you cam hot whatever you are aiming for.
When you are looking through the different features which can be found on these various rifles there are a few points you might want to keep in mind. These should include the handling aspect of the rifle. As you will be holding the gun for long periods of time you should feel comfortable holding the gun. A light and easy to handle gun are essential.
You should also be able to bring a variety of game with the rifle. While rifle hunting can be accomplished with a single type of rifle it is best to become acquainted with the many different quirks and features of the gun. Also practice shooting will help you with your rifle hunting.
To become a good hunter it takes many different items. Among these items the all important rifle stands at the head of the list. The different makes, variations and models that are available will make sure you have a goodly selection. Rifle hunting can become and enjoyable art form where you pit yourself against nature.