Squirrel Dogs are Great Companions for the Hunter of Squirrels

By: Muna wa Wanjiru

For every hunter there are many items, tools, equipment and hunting dogs that can be used. For many hunters these hunting dogs are great companions to take along for the hunt. They will also provide the hunter with the ability of flushing out the game, tracking it down and in some cases retrieving the fallen game. For hunters of squirrels there is another type of hunting dog that can be used. These dogs are the squirrel dogs.

In general any type of dog can be used as squirrel dogs. The main purpose of these dogs is to seek out squirrels and corner them so that the hunter can arrive in time to make the kill. While it is possible to train any breed of dog to be a squirrel chasing dog there are some particular dogs that can be used for this branch of hunting.

The real squirrel dogs that have been used for many years are the Terriers, Dachshunds, Feists and also Curs. These dogs have been trained as squirrel hunting dogs for many generations. The best types of dogs to use to hunt out squirrels from these dog breeds are the Curs. These dogs have some kind of Terrier genes in their blood lines.

The main types of Curs that are considered as being acceptable for squirrel hunting are those of the American Leopard, Mountain, Blackmouth and the Treeing Tennessee Brindle. The many different squirrel dogs all help the squirrel hunter to bag the squirrel they want by locating the prey. The best and well trained squirrel hunting dogs will be able to locate the whereabouts of a squirrel simply by the noise they make.

As most squirrels can be found in wooded regions where their favorite food source is, this is where you should expect to see your hunting dog heading to. Once the dogs have found the squirrel they will chase the squirrel to a place where the prey will have some difficulty jumping to another tree or even hiding under some rocks. The hunters will be able to shoot the squirrels once they have found the hiding place on the tree and the dogs have been secured.

In addition to helping hunters find small game like that of squirrels, there are competitions that the squirrel dogs can be entered in. These contests demonstrate the level of training and skill that a squirrel hunting dog displays. The more well and trained and experienced the dog the higher chances the hunters will have of bagging their game.

While the many different breeds of hunting dogs are excellent for helping hunters, squirrel dogs are great companions for the hunter of squirrels. With these squirrel dogs as your side you will find that you can catch your day's hunting of squirrels with ease and enjoyment.


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